All the ideas and none of the words
May 20, 2021 2:42 am
Hey there ,
Have you ever had a day where you have all of the ideas and none of the words?
Where your brain is FULL and there are a million things zipping around and when you go to write it’s like... ‘wait, where’d they go?’
Me too.
For the last two days I have written any number of half-posts, snippets of landing pages, and parts of emails.
Nothing has come out ‘right’ or felt ‘good enough.’
And all of the sudden this afternoon it dawned on me that THAT is exactly the problem.
SO often I have clients come to me and talk about their ideas not being quite right or good enough.
And as a result they’re not posting as much, emailing, sharing, etc.
Then, because they aren’t posting, sharing, or connecting, fewer people reach out to them, and things get quieter.
And THEN the spiral begins.
But it DID NOT have to.
Because this doom spiral can be stopped at the start - at ‘right’ and ‘good enough’.
When it’s not quite right or not good enough we are judging our own work.
And NOTHING kills creativity faster than judgement.
This is what I noticed in myself this afternoon.
Me judging my posts. My writing. My pages. My work.
And now that I have noticed, I can stop the cycle before it starts.
I don’t need to go down the rabbit hole of ‘not enough’ and neither do you.
Over the last 5 years of creating content, I have learned how to catch myself in this spot, before the spiral.
I can notice and then keep going.
It’s a skill I teach clients too because no spiral means less wasted time, less spinning, less drama, and more focus (which we all want, right?).
Today I’m here to give you the very first step.
The first (and in a lot of ways, only) step is NOTICING.
It is hearing yourself judge your work as lacking.
How do you do this?
You check in.
One way is to journal.
Ask ‘How am I judging myself right now? Why? What do I want to do differently?’
Another way is to list out all the judge-y words you use on yourself (for me it’s ‘right’, ‘enough’ ‘more’ ‘better’) and post them where you can see them.
Then you can practice listening to yourself and mentally flagging those words for what they are - judgements - when you hear them.
Listen, we allllllll judge ourselves.
So when you catch yourself, and you will, you don’t have to be mad at yourself or mean about it - it’s just noticing ‘oh, that’s a judgement’ and moving forward from there.
Today you are getting an email because I noticed my own self-judgement.
And that helped me to take back control of my creativity.
You can do the exact same thing.
Your creativity, your focus, your productivity, your flow of ideas are ALL in your control.
And you are ALWAYS doing it right and good enough.
❤️ Sara