Whewww, Friday. One thought, two reminders
Sep 15, 2023 6:13 pm
Hey there, ,
First. Whewww, Friday.
Good job, you made it.
Maybe it was a stellar week, maybe it wasn't - but either way, time continues forward (something I am regularly grateful for!) - and we've here :)
I did a last minute workshop this morning as a part of a company's yearly conference for its sales people, all about embracing your individuality as a business owner.
I left them with one thought that I think is worth sharing with you too:
**There are a finite number of ways to fail, and an INFINITE number of ways to succeed.**
Maybe this week you checked some of the ways to fail off the list - that's a good thing. The more you check off the fewer you have to test out. Once you know what DOESN'T work for you, you're just that much closer to finding what does.
Finding YOUR way - to sell, to grow, to thrive - is what matters most, and there are an infinite number of versions of this... yours is not as far away as you think. Keep going.
Two reminders:
A. The window to join group coaching for this round closes in ONE week, next Friday, 9/22.
The purpose of group coaching is helping you actually reach YOUR way to success sooner - with fewer trials and errors, with guidance, with support, and with love.
We work together for 20 weeks, 1 hour a week (we make the schedule based on the group), and the group size is maxed at 4 - because everyone needs and deserves individual attention that helps both them AND the group.
One question I *always* get is about what happens if halfway through something doesn't fit/it's not working - and the answer is this: first, it's my job to ensure it DOES fit, and I'm really good at my job. Second, if it comes to pass that it's not right, we'll talk about it, and make a plan for you that IS (even if it's without me).
I am here to help you decide if group coaching is right for you. Usually the conversations last less than 30 minutes - it's not complicated, and I know exactly what to ask.
I have time for you and for these conversations next week, so if you're floating around with a 'maybe', it's time to get together and chat.
Pick a time here, or (especially if nothing on the calendar matches), just hit reply and we'll find a spot to talk.
B. Next Friday I'm also leading a free live workshop in my FB group - How to STOP Avoiding Selling.
It's 9/22 at 12:00 noon EST. Come join us, it's going to be TOTALLY worth your time - because the people you WANT to serve actually need you to sell in order to get what THEY need. :)
Happy Friday, friends.
Maybe the weekend be exactly what you need :)