Here's a crazy idea for a Tuesday...

Aug 27, 2024 4:58 pm

Hey there, ,

Happy Tuesday to YOU!

One of the things I hear from people allll the time (and one of the reasons people come to me for coaching often) relates to visibility, social media, and making offers.

The whole prospect of HOW to talk about what you do, WHERE to do it, how often, and in what formats seems like a LOT to figure out (and then repeatedly figure out, day after day after day).

And people get overwhelmed (been there, I hear you...).

So, while I was on vacation I had this idea that I want to run by you.

I'm thinking about running something that in my head is called Offer Hours.

Here's how it would work:

We'd all show up on Zoom.

  • I'd bring a 'menu' of kinds of offers/ideas for ways/places/formats for sharing what you do.

  • I'd help you make the choices that are right for you for X number of offers (let's say we plan 10 together...).

  • And then you'd start writing.

You'd walk away from the hour knowing what you are offering, how you're talking about it, where, and in what format AND with some of that work already DONE, so that you can just get on with the process of visibility and helping people FIND you, your work, your expertise, and your HELP. Because really, THEN NEED YOU.

I think that the first pass at this would be $30 per person (because we'd do it together!), and we'd run for 90 minutes live - and the first time would be sometime in the middle of September :).

What do you think?

I'd love to know your thoughts, feel free to hit reply and tell me if this is something that sounds like fun for YOU :)

Here's to having all of the ideas, AND making all of the offers!

Much LOVE!


PS! ALSO... if you are local-ish to me here in PA one of the other ideas floating around my brain is an in-person planning/coaching/VIP kind of day for a small group in November. If that sound like maybe YOU, lmk, it would be SO fun!

It would includes some group-work time, some individual coaching time, food (duh!), and whatever other fun things we might come up with... ;)
