A little bit of Friday love :)

Dec 15, 2023 4:36 pm

Hey there, !

Happy Friday :)

I don't want to send anything complicated today - it's a Friday in December, I can pretty much guarantee life is already complicated enough...

I thought I'd pass along three simple things.

First, when and if you're ready to plan your 2024, I've spent the last three days in my FB group leading Plan 2024. The replays of the live workshops are pinned to the top of the group, and the worksheets are in the Files section of the group.

Use some or all (or none) of it - whenever it is that you're ready to plan your 2024, it's here for you.

For easy access, here are the links to the recordings:

D1: Reflection

D2: Feelings

D3: Goals

Second, a reminder: you've grown A TON this year, and allll of that is worth celebrating. Throw a party, take an hour for yourself, spend two minutes a day remembering how far you've come, whatever - just remember you're allowed feel proud. You have a lot to be proud of.

(and if you think I'm wrong, let's talk and I'll help you make a list - there's more than you realize, promise!)

Third, a thank you: you don't have to read these emails, yet you do. You don't have to be in my world - it's a choice, and I appreciate both your presence and your support. I'm honored to be even a teeny tiny part of your growth, your work, the impact you're making on the world. Thank you for allowing me into YOUR world, it's not something I ever take lightly. I am grateful for you, and I'm ALWAYS here, rooting for you.

May the holiday season be filled with extra sparkly lights, lots of laughing, rest, celebration, and JOY.

Much love,

