Get off the fence, please...

Aug 19, 2021 11:25 pm

Hey hey !

The #AugustGivingChallenge has been SO much fun so far.

I've had SO many truly useful coaching conversations (and so far I know of at least 11 new sales that have come as a result...and those are only the ones so far, and that I've been pinged about!)

As of today I have just a handful of hour-long coaching sessions left to give (there are 3!).

One of these sessions is for YOU.

If you are...

  • stuck,
  • going round and round about the same freaking things again and again,
  • not 100% confident about your prices and/or your offer,
  • not clear on WHO you're selling to or how to get them to say yes...

I can help (and yes, I really can help in an hour... I promise!).

There is no risk.

There is ONLY reward.

And there will be no sell, just giving. That's what this whole thing is all about.

If you've been thinking about signing up but are on the fence, get off the fence and grab your hour.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Sign up here:

See you SOON!


