Maybe the most valuable thing you'll do today
May 17, 2022 3:08 pm
Hey there ,
The internet + business world teaches us this interesting thing.
It says: there are 'value' posts/emails/shares, and then there are 'invitation' posts/emails/shares.
It tells us the two are different.
It implies that an invitation to work with you, an offer, isn't valuable (and surely that's what most of us take away...).
But what if that's bullshit?
I mean, actually, it is.
What if the truth is that invitations ARE in and of themselves VALUABLE?
What if it was possible that the offer you make to someone sharing what you do is the MOST valuable thing that you actually HAVE to share?
What then?
Last week I sent an email that was fully an invitation.
There was no story.
It was pretty straightforward.
AND it was valuable.
I - just like you - sometimes forget that this is TOTALLY OKAY.
My coach actually called me on it last week.
She asked something along the lines of: why can't your invitation be just as valuable as anything else? Why do you even have to preface it by saying 'it's not a value email'?
And she was right (and since she's on this list, I'm not going to have to hear about it again, oops!).
Value and invitations aren't mutually exclusive.
They aren't actually even separate.
They can be - they ARE - the SAME.
If you think about it - if you look back in your emails, at posts you've saved, at things you've bought - you'll more than likely find straight-up invitations among the MOST valuable messages you've ever gotten.
Because INVITATIONS invite you to CHANGE.
When you accept an invitation to change, you GROW.
And what's more VALUABLE than that?
[Not much.]
So here's you're job today.
Try on this thought: The MOST valuable thing I have to share with my audience is an invitation to work with me.
[**if that feels like a stretch try: it's POSSIBLE that the most valuable thing I have to share with my audience is an invitation to work with me.]
Back it up with evidence: what evidence do you have that working with you/buying from you is MORE valuable to the people in your audience than just reading your posts/shares?
[**note, I did not ask IF you have evidence. I asked what evidence you have. It's already there, promise.]
Make an invitation: Don't stress the story, don't couch it in 'value', don't worry over being 'too bold' - go out and say some version of 'This is how I help, this is how you work with me, come let's get started.'
And KNOW that it's the most VALUABLE thing you'll do for your people today.
Because. it. is.
When you're finished?
Hit reply, tell me you did it, and I'll celebrate too!
Here's my invitation to you.
I help business owners like you simplify success, focus your work, and grow your business more easily right now.
If you're scattered, if you're overwhelmed, if you're in your own way, and you are ready to have it be simpler, less complicated, clearer, and more effective, I can help.
There are two ways to work with me right now: join the next round of Charting Business Success small group coaching program ($2000 for 16 weeks, 4 spots), or come work with me 1:1 for 6 months ($5000).
To talk about getting started with either one, book a time to connect here, or hit reply and we'll set it up via email.
Here's to the VALUE of invitations.
You and what you offer really ARE the most valuable thing you have to share.