Hacking the stretch-snap-stretch cycle of growth
Feb 15, 2022 4:37 pm
Hey hey !
Imagine you have a rubber band around your left index finger.
If you pulled the rubber band with your right hand, it would stretch.
And if you let go it would SNAP back... which you would feel on your finger.
And growing a business is EXACTLY like this.
This is the stretch-snap-stretch cycle of growth.
Here's what happens...
You do something new (stretch!)
After you do it, you worry you did it wrong, you doubt yourself, you feel all the feelings... (SNAP!)
And then?
You have a choice.
Option 1: Stop. Wait. Pause. Keep worrying, doubting and feeling all the feelings.
Option 2: Stretch again.
This stretch-snap-stretch cycle is inevitable - just like when you let go of the rubber band it's inevitable that your finger will sting after the rubber band snaps it.
But that doesn't mean it's WRONG.
It doesn't mean you have to stop, wait, or sit around with the doubt.
All of those things are NORMAL, just like what the rubber band does when you let go.
This cycle just IS a part of growth... and your get to control how quickly it goes.
The longer you sit with the sting, the longer the process (and note, longer is NOT wrong, it's just longer).
And if you want the process to GO faster, you have control of that too. The process CAN be hacked.
The first step to hacking it? KNOWING it exists...
To hack this cycle, remember this:
Yes, the SNAP is scary. But also NORMAL.
You can choose to keep GROWING.
And you can choose the SPEED at which you do it.
If you want to go FASTER, spend less time with the SNAP, and more time on the stretch...
** For more about this cycle, check out this week's Teachers in Business podcast here - it's about this cycle too.
** If these charts really work for you and your brain, and you'd love some questions to help you actually USE them, that exists :) You can buy the workbook of charts and questions here!
Finally, if you are in the slow lane of this cycle and it's NOT where you want to be, I can help.
I help clients hack this particular cycle of growth - which then automatically simplifies and speeds up their BUSINESS growth.
If you're tired of stopping, waiting, doubting, and worrying, coaching is the BEST combination of support and accountability out there.
To book a time to talk about coaching together 1:1, head here, or book a one-bite 90 minute coaching session here.
Here's to living in and with the stretch-snap-stretch cycle of growth :)