Spring, prioritization, and your next book!

Mar 22, 2021 8:16 pm

Hello !

First, if you are with me in the northern hemisphere, happy SPRING.

I don't know what it's been like in your neck of the woods, but has been a LONG winter here in eastern PA.

Spring is ALWAYS my favorite time of year - the sun feels warm again, the days are getting longer, we can actually venture out without parkas and gloves - but this year it is extra welcome.

There is something about a new growing season that just makes me happy from the inside out. It changes my whole outlook on basically all the things.

I hope the sun, the changing weather, and the loosening of things, in so many ways, is doing the same for you.

Two quick things...

First, this week's Teachers Business Lunch and Learn is all about prioritization.

If your to-do list is longer than Santa's, then you should join us on Friday at noon.

I'm going to teach my very favorite 4 step process that will cut your to-do list down by 75%.

Yes, you will have 75% LESS TO DO when we are finished.

AND there are worksheets to help you follow the process again and again, whenever your list feels out of control, from now until forever.

Let's make that real for a sec - for example, if there are 20 things on your list now? You'll walk away with 5... can you just imagine how good that will feel?


The process is simple.

All you need to bring with you is your insane to-do list and your goal.

Here's the link to show up live (and you should come live so that you can ask all your questions...there are always questions about this one since it is SO simple yet SO transformative):

Friday: 3/26/2021 at 12:00 pm EST: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84683712372?pwd=bmNzZVc1NDdvOExDaWdtMEdaU0I2dz09

Second, our next Jigsaw Book Club meeting is on 4/6/2021.

(And if you're thinking 'WTH is Jigsaw Book Club?'

It's all the best things about book club - books and people, but we don't all read the same book. You read what you want, I read what I want, and we all come ready to share what we learned...it's PERFECT.)

Alongside Book Club is now the Jigsaw Book Club BIG List of Books. It's a shared doc in my FB group, and it lists all the books that came up in our first meeting, and it's where all the books that are shared from now on will be listed.

If you're looking for inspiration, it's a great list.

If you're reading something you love and have GOT to share, it's a great list.

And it's just going to get better and better.

It's in the Files section in the FB group! (And if you aren't in the group, join here: Teachers in Business)

HAPPY SPRING, and see you on Friday!!



PS. Spring is when EVERYTHING - including your business - should be growing, growing, growing.

If that's not what's happening right now, and you just canNOT figure out what the problem is, I can help.

I promise that shifting from stuck to GROWING like crazy doesn't take doing MORE anything. And it doesn't mean changing everything you're doing now.

Shifting into BIG growth is about showering the seeds YOU HAVE ALREADY planted with love and attention. I can teach you exactly how to do that in your business, right now.

If you are ready to get GROWING, let's talk about coaching.

Hit reply, and we'll set up a free 1:1 conversation all about how to nurture your seedlings :)
