Even when it's working it feels weird
Aug 01, 2023 3:09 pm
Hey there, ,
We have all had instances where someone said something like 'You make it look so easy!' or 'Gosh, you've really got it all together' and all you can think is 'DO I???' because that's NOT how it feels on the inside.
I had this exact conversation with a friend yesterday.
We were talking about business and life and all the things and how what people see on the outside seems to be SO DIFFERENT from what's happening on the inside.
I walked away from our conversation yesterday reminded that even when things are working they feel weird.
8 ish years into entrepreneurship (and nearly 12 into parenting, which I also feels like applies here, ha!), here's what I know:
As far as I can tell there will not come a point where you or I or anyone else ever feels like, for more than just a moment, that we have it all together.
It's never going to feel like it's going exactly to plan - even when it is.
It's always going to feel messier than it looks on the outside, less organized than it seems to other people, and probably harder than we feel like it should be.
It seems likely that this is what 'having it together' ACTUALLY is.
Maybe (I mean, more than maybe...) it's doing the things that feel messy, feel disorganized, feel hard and then NOT giving up, backing off, starting over, changing tactic because you KNOW that nothing is wrong.
It's continuing forward WITH the messiness without adding overthinking because you trust yourself and your process.
And what this means, for you is that you can stop WAITING for things to feel less messy, less disorganized, less weird... because that's not coming.
You can stop restarting, or trying to order the chaos... because it's not ACTUALLY chaos, and even if it is, it's not bad chaos, it's just the chaos of growth.
So today?
Ask yourself: what if I ACTUALLY DO have it all together? If I accept the mess as a normal part of the process, what would I do differently? If I didn't feel like I had to constantly figure out how to order (and reorder) the chaos, what would I do instead?
Because you DO have it together, far more than you realize.
The mess IS normal.
And you don't have to order the chaos - it's not wrong, it's just a part of the growing (btw, can you just IMAGINE how much time you'd save week to week if you didn't need to constantly reorder chaos??? How much energy??? SO MUCH).
Here's to knowing we're more together on the outside than we might feel on the inside (and yeah, that's still weird) :)
PS. If restarting, reorganizing, and trying to order the chaos stands in the way of ACTUAL progress for you and your business, I can help.
When we coach together we separate doing the things that move you forward from the things that are normal feelings and don't need to be poked at all the time.
It will save you time and energy and ALSO help give you context for what's normal, which makes SUCH a difference (because when you know nothing is wrong, it's way WAY easier to keep going).
If you're ready for coaching, hit reply.
I have one spot for 1:1 right now, and small group coaching for fall is filling as we speak (which is an AMAZING way to get coached AND learn with others, it's magic). If one or the other might be right for you now or this fall, let's chat.