A new look at thinking about wants vs. needs
Mar 28, 2022 8:24 pm
Hey there ,
I was talking with a client last week and she said something like 'I think I really NEED person X's help with my project.'
My client explained the kind of help the person would offer to her, and then also why she felt like she needed it.
My client said she needed the accountability, the oversight, and the particular kind of help that this person would offer her for the project.
And it's all totally fine.
Except she had JUST finished explaining to me that the project was going REALLY well.
Like, right on schedule, no worries, all going to plan really well.
Based on what my client told me about the project, she didn't actually NEED the help person X was going to offer her.
But she did WANT it.
And THAT is a great reason for her to say yes and sign up for exactly what person X offers.
Wait. Yes. I did say that WANTING is a great reason.
Here's what I'd like to propose to you today.
You know the whole conversation we have with ourselves (and with kids) about wants vs. needs?
Like 'yes you WANT it, but you don't NEED it, so you shouldn't spend money on it'... you know, that one?
Here's the thing about it.
When it comes to business, it *might* be garbage.
Because to run a successful business, especially if you are online and without a lot of overhead/inventory, there's actually VERY little you 'NEED'.
And so because you don't 'NEED' things, you don't feel like you CAN spend money on them, because we have be taught to think that WANTING something isn't a good enough reason to buy it.
We've been taught that WANT alone isn't sufficient for us to spend money on.
But that's NOT right.
For my client last week, her WANTING to hire person X to help her was actually a WAY (WAY) more powerful reason for her to hire person X than NEEDING her.
It's a powerful thing for a business owner like her (or you, or me) to think 'I don't NEED this support/tool/thing, but I WANT it, and that's a good enough reason for me to spend money on it.'
When you buy/invest from WANT you are honoring yourself and your business in a whole new way.
Does this mean you buy every bling-y tool out there under the sun?
But does this mean that if you KNOW you want something - coaching, a tool, photographs by a certain photographer, whatever - that you CAN powerfully give yourself permission to spend the money WITHOUT having to first establish that you 100% for sure absolutely NEED that thing?
I personally would MUCH rather than clients who WANT to work with me and choose to do so powerfully than ones who desperately NEED me.
For you, today, here's a few questions to ask yourself...
What do you WANT - for you, for your business - that you have been telling yourself you can't have because you don't NEED it?
What if you TRUSTED yourself enough to follow your WANT without having to back it up with 'official' need?
Who would you BECOME if you ALLOWED yourself to invest in what you WANT right now?
And then?
Give yourself permission to go POWERFULLY invest in what you WANT.
Give yourself permission to TRUST you know yourself and your business well enough to WANT what is best for you both.
And give yourself permission to TRUST you are becoming who you WANT to become.
If you're feeling brave, hit reply and tell me what you WANT :).
And if you WANT coaching from me? Book a time to talk about it here.