3 decisions and a menu for the win

Sep 29, 2024 4:35 pm

Hey hey, ,

At Offer Hours tomorrow, I'm going to help people make 3 decisions.

  • What to offer.

  • Where & when to offer it.

  • How to *actually* get it done.

And then?

I'll share the Offer Menu.

It's 16 different things you can use to write offers/talk about your work RIGHT NOW.

Everyone will use the menu kind of like well... a menu... they'll grab the items that fit their work right now and leave the rest (because as much as we want to, we can't actually order EVERYTHING ;)).

And THEN??

We'll all get to WORK.

Dedicated quiet time to DO THE WORK of writing, creating, and sharing the offers with built in support (that's me) so when you have something you need someone else to read, have a question, have an idea you'd like to get feedback on... all you do is say so.

It's THE most productive 90-minutes you're going to have all week... and it will make your WHOLE week easier, because there will be no more looming decisions to make around what to say, where and when to say it, and how.

It's all already figured out.

Come join us on Monday (9/30) at 1 pm EST.

[and yes, I hear you, there will soon be non-Monday options, pinky-promise]

Sign up here. Get tons ACCOMPLISHED.

(and more business as a result - because you know THAT is the whole reason we make offers in the first place, right? Hell yes.)



PS. f the reason you're not making the offers to begin with less about how to do it and more about you being uncertain about YOU, IF you can really help people, IF they'll pay for it, IF it's worth their money?

Friend - these doubts? First, they're normal, like, SO NORMAL, and you aren't alone. And second? They feel real and also aren't true.

You? Your expertise? Your experience? It's v a l u e a b l e af. And the issue isn't that you're not good at what you do, it's that you're not GROUNDED in what you do. And being grounded in your value, your expertise, and your experience isn't as complicated to do as you think... it's actually pretty simple to do (and the result is LIFE-changing).

In Selling for Weirdos, grounding is the first thing we learn together. Because WHEN you are grounded in your awesomeness, everything else - including sales - gets wayyyyyy simpler to actually do.

If you're ready to get GROUNDED and make sales because of it, come join us in the course here. The sooner you start, the sooner you get to actually feel the confidence you've already earned.
