A quick way to check in on your time...

Nov 19, 2021 1:33 am

Hey there ,

Do you sometimes get to this point in the week and feel like you've not really gotten any closer to your goal than you were on Monday?

Do you think 'Where is all my time GOING?'

Or maybe you have things on your to-do list that you KNOW would help your business to grow...but they just don't get done, week after week. You just keep carrying them over and never actually DOING them.

If this sounds ridiculously familiar, here's something to think about...

To-dos fall into two categories.

There are the safe and easy ones, and then there are the scary and uncomfortable ones.

If you sit back for a minute today, which kind of to-dos are you spending most of your time doing?

If you aren't sure which set is which, this might help...


Where is your time going right now?

And where are the to-dos that have the biggest impact on your business growth?

The key here is that your big goals and dreams do NOT get created by doing the same things you've always done.

Big amazing things are not created without doing things you've never done before.

Big amazing things are not created without taking risks, without doing things you aren't sure how they'll work out, and without doing those things in front of other humans who might then possibly judge you.

If you are wondering why you aren't growing the way you'd like, why you aren't creating the big amazing things, it could be that you're spending too much time hanging out in the realm of safe and easy.

**NOTE: this is not to say that you everything you do in and for your business can or should be scary and uncomfortable. All I'm saying is that new things don't come out of doing old (safe, easy) things all the time...

Here's to a Friday that's a little more scary and uncomfortable :)



PS. When you are doing scary and uncomfortable things to create big amazing results, accountability MATTERS.

Having someone in your corner to help you stay on track changes EVERYTHING.

Accountability and having someone notice when I'm avoiding the scary and uncomfortable is a huge part of why I have a coach and also a huge part of why clients choose to work with me.

Friend, yes, hiring a coach is a risk.

Yes, it's uncomfortable to have someone else in your business and brain.

And yes, it's scary to invite someone into your work, especially if you've never done it before.

New results come from doing new things and coaching is the most cost effective form of support you will find.

There is no greater value and no faster way to get to your dream results.

Take one scary and uncomfortable step that will make all the scary and uncomfortable steps that follow easier.

Book a free 1:1 conversation to talk about coaching TODAY here.
