And the results are in on August
Sep 03, 2024 5:54 pm
Hey there, ,
In August I set a couple of action-oriented goals that felt big... and scary. And like they'd eat me up, tbh.
I committed to making 100 offers and to making 100 outreaches to people I don't know to create new connections.
And since I tell you all all the things, I wanted to come and report back on RESULTS... which is what we all *really* want to know, right?
- In August, I made 89 (!) offers to either group coaching or Selling for Weirdos.
I started 8/5 because I didn't have my act together before that, I was away on vacation for 10 of the days in August, and my kids were in camp for 0 of the days (just to give some added life-context...)
- I made 41 connection requests on LinkedIn/email and that lead to 6 1:1 conversations with new people, plus 4 more scheduled and more to come.
- And in August I had 4 new yeses in my business, and I have 2 more conversations coming this week with people about things they MAY say yes to that were scheduled in August. These yeses add up to just over $11,000.
It was both more than I had planned for and - which I'm sure you can relate to - less than I had planned for.
So... since I always talk about EVALUATING (!), here's mine:
What worked?
*LOTS. Having a big, stretchy action oriented goal that I literally kept on my desk on paper in front of me allowed me to continually remember that I made a commitment, there's no such thing as too much of me for my people, and more offers and out reach are BETTER.
*People NOTICED, and I heard a LOT about it... which reminded me (because I need this reminder too) that MORE sharing from me makes me MORE visible to my people, and that's a good thing.
*The yeses didn't necessarily come 'directly' from my offers. This is a reminder that ME sharing more then CREATES more... it's not my job (or yours) to know exactly HOW, but rather to trust the process.
*The pre-work I did ahead of planning to write 100 offers about what my clients need, why they buy, etc, was helpful all month long. (I shared these questions over email early in August, if you want them and can't find them, I'm happy to share, lmk).
What was challenging?
*I didn't love thinking of offers over vacation, but I also didn't pressure myself; I'm still thinking about how to bridge time off and making more offers.
*It took me some time to land on a way to 'find' people I wanted to reach out to on LI to connect, and who I wanted to just connect to vs. connect to and meet 1:1.
What do I want to do differently next time?
* I think 100 offers might mayyyybe have been too small of a goal. I did 89 pretty easily (because I have a lot of practice at this) so I will likely bump the goal to 120 this month, because I really DO want to continue the growth plan...
* I love all the new connections I'm making and late in the month I realized I could be connecting to the people in MY CURRENT NETWORKING GROUPS that I hadn't met yet - duh. Now I'm working through THOSE lists of people and making sure I meet all of the people I'm already just lightly connected to to make solid new connections.
Which thoughts were most helpful?
There was really just ONE and it was this:
I am not willing to be the barrier to my own success or the success of other people.
And when I didn't want to make the offer, was afraid I'd been too much, got worried, worn out, something else?
I remembered that I was NOT WILLING to be the obstacle. Just no. And I went and did the thing.
Sooooo, that's the scoop here...
Please know that if you have questions or thoughts or ideas or want more information... just hit reply, I'm here.
And NOW, because this is what really matters: here's my questions for YOU...
- What was your goal for August and where did you land?
- What worked? What was challenging? What would you do differently?
- What's the plan for this month? Where are you headed and how are you going to TELL people about it?
Because goals make a difference - especially action-oriented ones AND evaluating where you landed is where the growth is AT. It is the process of goal setting and adjusting that creates the change over time - for me, and also for you.
If you are ready to stretch into bigger goals, new actions, and adjusting the process as you go so that it works more and more effectively over time?
Come to group coaching - that's exactly why it exists.
It's called UNComplicating Success small group coaching for a reason ;)
To join, hit reply and tell me you're ready (or ask questions!) or book a time to connect and chat about it here.