Connecting and selling and bridges and...pies?
Nov 21, 2023 4:01 pm
Hey there ,
Yesterday in my FB group I led a live workshop about bridging connecting and selling.
It was alllll about how to go from connecting with people to creating customers and clients without making the whole thing gross or strange or overly stressful for anyone.
And it was fabulous.
[and, for some context, I don't always feel like that about workshops I give/share... some are better than others, and I'm excellent at seeing all of the holes in what I show up with. In this case, based on the feedback and my own inner critic, this was one of the best workshops I've done]
You can watch it here.
[also, it's talking vs. visuals, so it would actually be perfect to turn on in your headphones and listen to while you walk the neighborhood as you take a break at some point this week...]
Whether you watch/listen or not, there are two key takeaways that I feel like EVERYONE needs after yesterday's session.
First: the ability to create sales from connection comes directly from YOU being grounded in your value.
When you aren't grounded or certain that you have good/value to share, it's really (really) hard for you to sell and for people to say yes to you.
Second: the most important thing you and I and everyone can do today is to practice being OPEN to people saying YES to us.
In general, our human brains assume NO. We assume people don't want, won't bother, don't get it, can't say yes... on lots of levels it's safer to assume no.
But that's NOT something that helps us build a bridge from connecting to sales.
The bridge is built by you and I and everyone being open to the possibility - to the certainty, actually - that the people we meet out in the world can and will say YES I want that, YES I'm happy to pay for it, and YES it's valuable to me.
If you want to change anything between now and the start of 2024, change THIS.
Practice assuming the possibility of YES. It matters.
And if grounding in your value and trusting your value and KNOWING your value is a struggle?
You're normal. And also, this is something that we ALL get better at with practice.
If connecting without also either totally not telling people what you have to offer or making strange and uncomfortable pitches is a struggle?
You're normal. And this is ALSO something we all get better at with practice.
And I have a tool to help you practice BOTH of these things AND the actual selling part.
Selling for Weirdos is a course. It's self-paced, 12 modules, 40+ videos (generally <10 min), prompts, tools, and also 1:1 access to me while you work.
It's for you if you want to sell more but in a way that seems weird to the rest of the world and that also feels WAY more like you.
In the course I'll teach you to effectively ground yourself in your value, connect to the people around you that you want to work with (like a human), and sell - all in ways that actually FIT YOU.
The course is allllll about giving you structure and then helping you to fit it to your work, your brain, your style, and your life.
It's available right now for purchase for the best prime-number price going, $383.
You can buy here. Access to the course materials opens 12/11/23.
If you have questions about the workshop from yesterday or the course or anything else? ASK. Just hit reply, let's talk about it.
From here, honestly, at least in my house the rest of the week is about PIE.
I'm a non-traditionalist and have half of a summer blueberry pie hidden away to eat for dessert after turkey. Yes, I'll share, but no, not all of it :)
If you're more focused on pie this week than work, know that's totally okay.
If you're celebrating Thanksgiving this week, have a wonderful holiday. No matter where you are in the world and how you're spending this week (hopefully with pie either way?!), I'm grateful for you, and grateful to be able to share little bits of useful things with you, week after week.
Thank you for allowing me into your world.