When you are feeling frayed at the edges...

Jul 12, 2022 3:11 pm

Hey there ,

Are you feeling a little frayed at the edges? A little frazzled? A little undone? A little unfocused?

If so, I can relate.

In May I always think summer is going to be calm, and peaceful, and tranquil... and what it is instead is less regular, less structured, and more by-the-seat-of-my-pants.

And while I'm not (entirely) mad about less regular, less structure, and more on-the-fly --- because I think we all need some of that sometimes --- for someone like me who LOVES regular, structure, and planned... it can be a lot.

Today I am feeling all the frayed.

And I bet you can relate to this.

We've all had times where we want to work, we love the work... and also our brains and bodies are just plain old beat from the combo of life plus family plus work plus whatever else.

So this morning, instead of getting frustrated with my brain and body, I cleaned.

I organized. I shredded. I journaled. I scrolled. I had extra tea. I walked the dogs. I journaled some more. I did laundry.

And I gave my brain and body some time to ease in to this day.

Did I waste time?

I mean, you could look at it like that...but why would you? It feels awful.

For me, I don't actually believe it's possible to waste time, so I don't choose to think that.

What I saw in myself this morning was that I needed something different than to sit down at my desk and push.

I could have sat down right at the start - but I've been doing this long enough to know that I wouldn't have done much. And THEN I would have been frustrated.

So instead?

I gave myself some space. Because I needed it.

And now?

Now I'm here, with you. Working. Showing up. Sharing. Connecting. Inviting.

Because those are the things that matter for my business (and yours).


If you are feeling frayed, it's okay to rest. It's okay to ease in rather than force progress. It's okay to pause. It's okay to skip stuff. It's okay. Really.

When I tell clients this, so often their response is 'but what if I can't get restarted again? What if I don't want to come back/unpause?'

The answer?

You. can. trust. yourself.

You are in business because you WANT to be. You are here because you love what you do and are building.

You CAN trust yourself to pause, to ease in, to rest - and ALSO to restart, to accomplish, to move forward.

You will not get stuck. Even if you have before. Seriously. You aren't the same today as you were then, you aren't even the same today as you were yesterday.

You CAN trust yourself.

So if you are all the frayed, ask yourself: what do I ACTUALLY need right now?

Then? Do that. Even if it's not the answer you wanted. Even if it's not what you expected. Even if it's not what you would 'normally' do.

You. can. trust. yourself.

Here's to a little more trust, and a little less frazzle :)



PS. Many of my clients START coaching with me because they want accountability. They feel like they need help getting unpaused, unstuck, restarted...

And what they GET from coaching with me is accountability, sure, but also TRUST in themselves - they leave coaching knowing that they hold their promised to themselves, that they CAN trust themselves and that they ARE able to pause AND restart whenever it's needed.

And that knowing? It's forever. Once they have it, it's ALWAYS theirs - even when they are done with coaching and me, and maybe even business.

If you are ready for accountability that leads to TRUST in yourself, I'm ready to coach you. You WILL get what you came for, and it will be yours forever.

To book a time to talk, hit reply, or schedule yourself here.
