**All growth spurts work the same**

Feb 04, 2022 7:38 pm

Dear ,

First, congratulations - you have *nearly* made it through another week. This is cause to celebrate in and of itself :).

Today in my Charting Business Success group today we got talking about GROWTH spurts.

When humans are in the midst of a period of growth, we need a little extra TLC.

Think about kids - when they are in the midst of growing taller, they need more of a whole bunch of things - food, sleep, patience, grace - than usual.

These are the 'extra' things that allow kids to grow successfully.

And the same is applies for you and your business.

When you are in the midst of actively growing by reaching out in new ways, taking risks, doing uncomfortable new things. you need more of a whole bunch of things - rest, space to think, time to recover, support, patience, and grace - than usual.

These are the 'extra' things that allow you and your business to grow successfully.

Except a lot of the time in the business world, we skip this part - the 'extra' part.

We try to have a growth spurt without also giving ourselves the OTHER things we need to grow successfully.

We don't rest.

We don't create space.

We don't recover. We don't ask for support.

We don't give ourselves patience or grace.

[Really, if we're honest, we don't give ourselves these things in general to begin with - let alone in a larger quantity.]

And so just like a child would become a miserable human if they were mid-growth spurt in didn't get the 'extras', we too become miserable.

This is the road to burnout {or whatever the opposite of a growth spurt is].

So, friend.

This Friday, here's something to think about.

  • In what way are you in the midst of a growth spurt right now?

  • What 'extras' do you need (that aren't really extra at all) in order to grow successfully?

  • How will embracing the 'extras' ENABLE more effective and efficient growth for yourself and your business as a result?

And - if you look around and think 'I'm not in a growth spurt, but I want to be', what are the things you need to kick off your growth right now?

Here's to 'extras' that aren't really extra at all.

May your weekend be filled them :)



PS. If growth spurts feel mysterious (like, 'where do I get one of those?!') or they feel miserable (like, 'Yes, I'm growing, I think, but ughhhh.'), the 'extra' yet not extra that you need is to get coached by me.

I help my clients to not only create growth spurts and grow themselves and their businesses, but to do so in a way that creates MORE space, rest, recovery, and grace rather than less.

Today I had a client share that when she reflected on her 2021 she realized that she made her full-time school salary (and then some), in half of the hours she used to work, with far less than half the amount of stress she used to have.

This is a BIG deal. And it is possible for more than just her. It's possible for YOU too.

The difference between her and you right now is that she has invested in coaching and done the work to create balance, space, and grace WHILE she grows. It makes that much of a difference.

If you are ready for results AND balance, hit reply and say 'I'm ready to talk about coaching.' It's time.
