Marketing as a human, and #challenge
Mar 01, 2021 10:01 pm
Happy Monday !
Last week at Teachers' Business Lunch and Learn I shared the 5 keys to marketing as a human.
I mean, can you REALLY imagine actually marketing AS YOURSELF?
Trust me, it's way (way) more fun, AND it happens to be more effective.
If you missed it live, here’s the link to the replay:
My favorite take away?
Loving marketing YOUR way consistently matters MORE than doing it ALL.
You don't have to be on every platform. You don't have to be on social media or anywhere else 24-7.
You just have to choose 1 or 2 places YOU love to hang out, and do that consistently.
The next Teachers' Business Lunch and Learn will be Friday, 3/12 from 12:00 - 12:30 pm EST on Zoom.
TOPIC: Ditching "I'm behind" and Other Unhelpful Thoughts about Time FOREVER.
We all have thoughts about time...'I'm behind,' 'I'm not doing enough,' 'I'm too busy,' 'I don't have enough time.'
And you know, just like I do, that these thoughts are NOT helping you get more accomplished. In fact, they hold us back.
So it's time to DITCH them.
"Easier said than done" you might be thinking...
But actually, it's not as hard as you think.
Completely changing how you think about time IS not only completely possible, it actually takes a lot less work than you think.
In this workshop we're going to learn the 4 simple steps to completely changing your thinking about time (and therefore your entire life).
LINK for 3/12:
And, while I have you, I want to invite you to a FUN #challenge I'm running in the Teachers In Business FB group this month.
It's called The Thought Challenge, and it's about succeeding in business by changing how you THINK rather than changing what you do.
This is literally the secret of my success, of my clients' successes, and of so (SO) many successful businesses out in the world.
Creating success in your own business does NOT come from running your business the way they do (it turns out that mimicking their actions doesn't actually help) instead, it comes from learning to THINK like them, like me, and like my clients.
So, this month I'm going to share how I have changed my THINKING about business in the last year.
I'm going to teach you the steps I've used to change my mindset, and the tools that I've used to do that - the #challenge for you is then to actually DO that work for yourself.
And yes, there will be prizes (because prizes are FUN!).
If you're not already in the group, join here.
I look forward to seeing you in the challenge, AND at TBL&L on the 12th!
PS. If you know someone who would benefit from getting these emails and joining the Lunch and Learn, I’d love if you’d take the time to share this with them! They can join the list here.
PPS. Have you listened to the most recent episode of the Teachers in Business Podcast? It's all about how to be your own coach, and it's AMAZINGLY useful (if I do say so myself!). Listen here on iTunes, or search Teachers in Business on your favorite platform...