The whole reason, all of it, right here
Jul 24, 2024 4:32 pm
Hey there, ,
A client just said THE BEST THING ever to me.
[and I'm losely quoting because I'm super terrible about writing down the exact words...]
She and I were talking about a new thing she'd just done, and how EXCITED I was for her.
And she said: 'it's vital to know that someone else will be just as proud of me as I am.'
Hell. yes. this.
Guys. This is ALL of it for me, the whole thing.
This is [one of, but a BIG one] the reason having someone like me in your work and world matters SO much.
Because when you do that thing?
I am just as excited - sometimes more - as you are. I am just as proud. I am just as energized. I am just as awed.
Because I get NOT ONLY what the thing you did means for your business but I also get what that thing means for YOU.
I get what it's like to take the leaps, do the scary things, try new stuff, be vulnerable, all of it.
I get it because *I* do it too, here in my business AND because I help other people like you do it day in and day out.
And I know that not everyone else does.
There are PLENTY of people in our worlds that would be like 'cool? You sent an email?' and scratch their heads.
But me?
I'm over here, with you, CELEBRATING the hell out of it, because I know how much it matters.
If you don't have someone in your world who gets you and what you do like this, you are MISSING OUT. Having this kind of support matters.
Please, find your person.
Find the one who will be just as excited and proud and awed as you and then who will, in the next breath, like I did today, ask you the next question that needs to be answered to move forward even more.
And if I might be your person, let's talk, book a time here for whatever version of the conversation - 1:1, group, or Selling for Weirdos - you're ready to have support in.
Much love,
AND! Gah! Almost forgot... don't forget to come to the workshop TOMORROW! How to Make Sales from Networking, 11 am EST in the GROUP, live ;)
See you THERE.