It's not about baseball, at least yet

Aug 16, 2022 7:26 pm

Dear ,

I have this whole email I've been working on about my son and his current trip to the Cal Ripken 8U World Series this week.

I've been writing and rewriting and it's just not quite right, and today I finally realized it's because the journey isn't over yet - we're right in the middle of it all this week.

So I'm going to table it for the moment.

Sometimes that's what we all do as business owners.

When something isn't quite ready to be ready, we set it aside and let it marinate.

That's what I'm doing with the baseball email.

When it's fully cooked, I'll send it.

In the meantime though...

I want to formally invite you to join this fall's round of small group coaching.

If you're looking to UNcomplicate your RESULTS, it's for you.

Small group coaching is for you if you want the best of 1:1 coaching PLUS the insane value that comes with being exposed to the growth + journey of other people.

Small group coaching is for you if your first priority is to get what YOU need, and the bonus is getting to hear and see and learn about things you need + want but didn't even know it yet.

Small group coaching is for you if you want to get exactly what YOU need, PLUS be ahead of the game because you'll get to see other people who are on the path in a different place than you navigate THEIR journey.

Small group coaching is for you if you want the best of weekly 1:1 AND collaboration (at a lower cost than weekly 1:1 coaching).

Small group coaching is CRAZY valuable.

And it's officially time to grab your spot.

The next group begins the week of October 10th and will run for 20 weeks.

The investment is $3000 (or $600/mth)

If you're looking to get coached there's no. better. deal than this one.

We'll talk pricing, marketing, systems, simplification, focus, inviting/selling, connecting, mindset, goals... all the things you need WHEN you need them in the WAY you need them.

Ready for that coaching, and the results that will come with it?

Then take the first step.

Step 1 is to have a 30 minute conversation together.

Come ask all your questions about how it works, I'll answer and then ask a few questions of my own to make sure it's the right fit for you.

Even if it's NOT for you, it will be 30 minutes well-spent, because you'll walk away CLEAR on what's next for YOU.

Book a time to talk about it here, or hit reply and say 'I'm ready to talk about small group coaching'.

Can't WAIT to talk to you about it, it's going to be the BEE'S KNEES.


