A handful of tiny thoughts to borrow today
Nov 07, 2023 4:52 pm
Hey there, ,
One of the things I talk with coaching clients about all the time is different ways to think about all kinds of things, both big and small (from time and success, to taking time for lunch and which calendar tool to choose).
Yesterday I had a client ask me to share a few of my favorites, ones that had been super useful for me, so that she could 'borrow' them to try on.
'Borrowing' thoughts is something I do a LOT.
When I see someone out in the world thinking about something in a different way, I 'borrow' it from them, and try it on to see if it fits me too. A lot of the time it hadn't even occurred to me that there was a different way to think about whatever thing until I see or hear someone else share it differently and it's like 'OHHHH, wait, WHAT?!'
Just yesterday in a meditation I love to listen to, I heard something I hadn't noticed before that I wrote down to try on more intentionally ('May I hold this too with kindness and awareness').
So, in the spirit of borrowing, I am sharing with you the handful of tiny thoughts I shared with my client who asked yesterday.
Maybe there'll one you'll want to try on. Or that will strike you differently today. Or that you want to borrow and adjust and play with... :)
- I am open to and ready to welcome new people, new ideas, new challenges, new struggles, and new successes.
- The universe is always conspiring in my favor, and always has my back.
- I create and grow so that they can create and grow.
- I allow things to work as and when they are meant to.
- I am a powerful creator; each and everything I create helps at least one person.
- I trust myself, my timing, my path, my people, my business, and my success.
- I am both safe and successful right now, today, exactly as I am.
I'm sure there are more, but this was the little list yesterday.
What speaks to you? What would you add? What's one you LOVE that I might borrow?
Feel free to reach out and tell me all the things (just hit reply, I'm here!).
Here's to thinking just a little differently, one borrowed thought at a time.
PS. I would love to tell you that everything we do in coaching is concrete and tactical and all about the DOING of success, but it's not.
And it shouldn't be.
How we think matters. Our thinking impacts our abilities to DO all the concrete, tactical things - and often is the thing most in the way.
If you want to DO the things and also cannnnnot figure out why the hell you are not, because you really DO want to do them... it's usually something you're thinking that's in the way.
And this is why coaching is about BOTH the DOING and the MINDSET. Both matter.
If you're ready to work on BOTH, and allow all. the. things to be easier BECAUSE you're working on both, hit reply, let's talk about coaching together 1:1 as we head into 2024.