The questions we all should be asking more often
Aug 05, 2024 4:14 pm
Hey there, ,
On Friday, I set a (BIG) goal for August, and wrote the outline of the plan to hit it.
And then I spent the weekend in internal negotiations with my boss (me...) trying to get out of both the goal and the plan.
[My internal doubt-monster has done allll the things: trashed the goal, pushed it back, made it smaller, suggested we get a new job... I bet you can relate ;)]
Today, I'm moving the plan forward because I KNOW the goal is right and that the plan is solid.
Which involves me asking these FOUR questions that we all should be asking more often.
These are questions about a specific offer - in my case, I'm answering them TWICE today, once around group coaching (because the next round starts the week of 9/22/24) and once around Selling for Weirds (because everyone needs this, period).
- What does the client who will buy this offer really WANT?
- What does the client who will buy this offer actually NEED?
- What is the client who will buy this offer MOST worried about? What are they uncertain around?
- What does the client who will buy this offer need to hear/see/experience to feel SAFE saying YES?
These questions are EVERYTHING.
Do we all think about this stuff relative to our offers? Sure.
Do we sit down on the regular and actually write out the answers? Hmmmm... maybe? But probably not.
Today so far I have 3 pages that are the answers to these questions for group coaching (and no, it didn't take me more than an hour... I know my people, and YOU KNOW YOURS, it doesn't take as long as you think).
Next I'll be writing out the answers for Selling for Weirdos.
'But why?' you might be thinking...
I mean, you know *why* logically - but really, WHY? What exactly am I going to DO with these answers once I have them?
Well. Here's the thing.
The goal I set for this month? It involves doing a whole lot of outreach and making a whole LOT of offers.
- Make 100 connections (not all 1:1, good heavens, not to worry)
- Make 100 offers (50/50 between group and Selling for Weirdos)
And so writing out the words that are what the person who will join group coaching, and who will enroll in Selling for Weirdos wants, needs, worries about, and needs to hear to feel safe?
They are the words I will use all month long to write these 100 offers.
Could I do it without answering these questions today? Probably.
But that would require me to actually figure out what I want and need to say EVERY DAY, 2-3 times a day for 2 different offers all. month. long.
Which sounds terrible, really. And a lot like a way to NOT accomplish this goal.
So instead?
I'm answering the questions, and then transferring the highlights to this handy-dandy template (which is linked HERE, for you to download and modify for YOUR offer(s) as you like, btw - it's low tech but also helps a TON to have on your desk in front of your face, like mine will be for the next 30 days or so...).
And then I'll use the template to do the offering.
So for you? Today?
First: What's your big goal at the moment? What are the scary things you want to do to accomplish it? And what are the steps you can take TODAY to make it simpler for you to do those scary things right now?
Second: Answer the 4 questions for whatever your key offer is right now... and use those answers to help you make all the invitations... because people can't buy what you aren't talking about, right? ;)
And finally.
Group coaching? It's for you if you want:
- accountability to do the things you know you need to do, and just aren't;
- measurable progress TOWARD (TO) those big goals;
- more income;
- business growth;
- community!
(and these are just the first 5 I wrote down today, btw)
We start the week of 9/22/24; the price is $2K (either in 1 payment, or on a payment plan, up to you...) and we finish right before Christmas. Groups are capped at 4 people, and I'll be running TWO this round - which is actually my TENTH round of groups since 2021, I had no idea until I looked this morning :)
If you have a question, hit reply. If you'd rather chat, book here (and know that if you say no, all is ok - getting you the thing that fits you best is ALWAYS my priority, even if it's not me...).
Happy question asking ;)
Much love,
GAH! And! PS!
Last week a handful of people reached out to ask about payment plans for Selling for Weirdos - which I didn't have not because I didn't want to, but honestly I just hadn't thought of it (which is a good example of why we should always ASK for the things we need... thank you to the three of you who asked!).
So now? There's a payment plan option - 3 payments of $249, which you can choose in the drop down when you enroll, WHEW!! If a payment plan has been what YOU have been waiting for to enroll, you can now go forth and do that here.