Green lights, and a reminder for Friday
Mar 25, 2021 8:46 pm
Hey there !
I am working on something new in my business.
Maybe you're working on something new too.
For me, I'm reimagining small group coaching, and making it 100% exactly what I know my people want and need.
Being out of the box is uncomfortable.
And so for a few days - without meaning to - I just stopped. I didn't do anything about this group. I stopped thinking about it, and stopped making decisions.
Because I took my discomfort as a STOP SIGN. My brain was like ''New? Uncomfortable? Eeep. thanks, we'll just stop, that's cool...'
Um, WHAT??
Actually, totally not cool.
When I noticed what was happening (or, more accurately, NOT happening), here's what I realized:
This feeling, discomfort? It's not a stop sign at all. Even though my brain really (REALLY) wants to interpret it like that.
Really, this discomfort is a GREEN LIGHT.
It says 'Yes, this is new. And you've done new things before. KEEP GOING. You're right on course.'
Ohhhhhh. I'm doing something new. OF COURSE it's uncomfortable. OF COURSE it feels unsteady. It's NEW. That's the nature of new things.
My discomfort is NORMAL. And it's expected. And the stop sign is exactly what my brain is supposed to throw at me to try to keep me 'safe'.
It does NOT mean is that I'm heading in the wrong direction.
It does NOT mean that I actually am supposed to stop.
(Again, oooops.)
Building new things is UNCOMFORTABLE. And that's OKAY.
And for you?
You're building new things too. You're doing things you've NEVER done before. And, yeah, it's uncomfortable.
But that doesn't mean you should stop. Not now, not ever.
Take it as the green light that it is, and KEEP GOING.
The world needs what you are creating.
And speaking of new things...
This week's Teachers Business Lunch and Learn is all about prioritization.
If your to-do list is longer than Santa's - and you need to make room to do the NEW stuff that you are dying to create but never seem to have time for - then you should join us on Friday at noon.
I'm going to teach my very favorite 4 step process that will cut your to-do list down by 75%.
Yes, you will have 75% LESS TO DO when we are finished.
AND there are worksheets to help you follow the process again and again, whenever your list feels out of control, from now until forever.
The process is simple.
All you need to bring with you is your insane to-do list and your goal.
Here's the link to show up live (and you should come live so that you can ask all your questions...there are always questions about this one since it is SO simple yet SO transformative):
Friday: 3/26/2021 at 12:00 pm EST:
See you tomorrow!
PS. If you are playing red light green light in your business, I see you.
You start, you stop. You start, you stop. You change direction. You start, you stop.
You and I both know that this game does not create progress.
If you are ready for different, but just can't figure out how to break the start-stop-start-stop cycle, I can help.
My clients make PROGRESS in their businesses. Actual, measurable, progress - and not just for a couple of days (more like months and years worth of progress!).
We break the start-stop-start-stop cycle forever. And it changes EVERYTHING.
The first step is a free 1:1 conversation about coaching.
Just hit reply, and we'll set up a time to chat.