3 things you need to know

Jul 31, 2024 2:35 pm

Hey hey, ,

Yes, I'm still talking about Selling for Weirdos.

I am ALWAYS going to advocate for you to TELL all the people what you have, again and again - and that is talk I have to walk too :), so here we are.

Three things you need to know today.

FIRST: Selling for Weirdos isn't like all the other courses because we're not trying to create sales processes like all the other sales processes.

Selling for Weirdos is built to BUILD weird success.

It's definitely WEIRD to be successful - to help more people AND make more money - BECAUSE you give, rather than in spite of it... but also?


Here's what you can expect inside of Selling for Weirdos:

  • Self paced learning - you choose the speed and WHEN and how you work,
  • 12 content modules (36 lessons) and 40+ video lessons,
  • 2 bonus modules (7 lessons including 2 full workshops),
  • 1:1 asynchronous support from Sara via VideoAsk,
  • LOTS of thought-provoking questions, and
  • simple to use planning tools you'll use even when you're finished with the course.

Second: I'm not hiding anything, upselling anything, or setting you up for anything.

Selling for Weirdos is complete, filled with the right amount of stuff to help you create a sales process that will work for YOU for the long term, and includes all of the additional tools + trainings + stuff you need to actually implement... because implementation matters more than a n y t h i n g.

Third: If you've bought LOTS of courses, why is this one different? What if you don't finish (or really, even start??!)?

The truth is that I can't make you start or come back to the course - only you can do that, really.

BUT. What I can say about Selling for Weirdos is this: It's built to keep you coming back once you do start, with content that's simple to use, easy to understand, easy to learn with, and easy to grow FROM.

I have more than 20 years of teaching experience and more than 10 years in the sales world. I have won awards for digital course-creation and instruction, and I have DEEP experience in helping humans succeed in online learning.

Selling for Weirdos is built with learners, learning, growth - YOU - in mind.

The simple, consistent structure of Selling for Weirdos means you'll know what to expect, how to move forward, and how to get help when you need it.

Okay, I lied, 4 things.

The last thing is this one, from my most favorite weirdo ;)


I can't make you hit 'buy', but friend?

I wish you would ;)

I KNOW this course makes a difference, I have the gift off seeing that in real time da in and day out.

I would love for it to ALSO be making a difference for YOU.

Today is the LAST day to use the code LOVESALES for $53 off, and to get the free 1-hour coaching call bonus.

Enroll in Selling for Weirdos!

If you have questions, hit reply and we'll work through them, together.


