The three ingredients of effective sales...

Jul 17, 2024 4:00 pm

Hey there, ,

The three key ingredients of effective sales are NOT stalking, convincing, and guilting.

And yet this is what we ALL worry about in sales.

It's what we often believe (and not always consciously) believe sales 'has to be' in order to work.

Which sucks.

Because we don't want to feel salesy. We don't want people to feel like we're pushing them. We don't want to bother people. We don't want anyone to feel like we've talked them into buying something they don't want or need.

And BECAUSE we don't want to do these things - feel salesy, feel pushy, stalk, convince, or guilt - we UNDERSELL.

We don't do enough selling because we're afraid if we do that we'll end up with people THINKING that we are the things we least want to be, or that we'll make them feel something icky.

Which sucks even more. Because when we UNDERSELL, no one (not you, not your people, not your business, not even the strangers who need you) get what's they need.


So. Now what?

Well - now the good news.

Once again, the three key ingredients of effective sales are NOT stalking, convincing, and guilting.

They are IN FACT, quite different.

The three key ingredients of effective sales ARE grounding, connecting, and inviting.

Effective sales - especially if you are a teacher, a helper, or a giver who really is here out in the business world to HELP your people - doesn't come from making other people (or ourselves) feel bad in any way.

[thank goodness, right?!]

Effective sales is, in fact, GIVING.

It's GIVING from a grounded place, in a connected way, through invitations.


  • When we are grounded in ourselves, our expertise, our value, and what we bring to our people - showing up, giving and making SALES are simpler.

  • When we connect and we grow our network in a way we LOVE and in a way that fits our time, lives, and businesses - showing up, giving, and making sales ARE simpler.

When we regularly make invitations to our people (and people who could become our people) - showing up, giving, and making sales ARE simpler.


If sales you are UNDERSELLING yourself because you are avoiding feeling all of the things... it's time to do it differently.

And I am here today to decidedly NOT undersell Selling for Weirdos.

In Selling for Weirdos, you'll learn to sell BY GIVING, through grounding, connection, and invitation.

No more salesy worries. No more convincing. No more guilt. No more feeling like you have to stalk people to create results. No more. NO MORE.

And - most importantly - no more UNDERSELLING.

In Selling for Weirdos, you'll learn at your pace (with me by your side as much or as little as you want me, I'm built in!), when you have time, AND also your sales process will be forever changed.

Now is the time.

Enroll here (so that you can start having a process you actually LOVE and will USE to make more MONEY starting asap... let's make the second half of 2024 HIGHLY PROFITABLE, and HUGELY IMPACTFUL all the way around, k?).

**If you enroll by 7/31 use the code LOVESALES at check out for $53 off.

[This discount was offered to the group in the Prosper Network Summit this week, and I think you should have it too!]

And if you have a question?

ASK. Book a time to talk about it here, or just hit reply.


