One more quick word from a fellow weirdo
Apr 28, 2024 8:10 pm
Hey there, ,
Remember Deb, who shared her feelings about Selling for Weirdos with you a few days ago?
Well, she sent me the MOST magical note the other day - here's what she said:
Selling for Weirdos 'is a gift that keeps on giving, as the ripple effect is creating impact in my community and beyond. I won a "Making A Difference" award the other night from our organization, Autism Support of West Shore... I'm telling you this because I wouldn't have won this award if I had given up on my business. Truly the Connecting and Showing Up are the true wins, but the award was definitely icing on the cake. :)'
Selling was SO much in her way that Deb almost GAVE UP serving the people who need her most - and now? Now she's winning AWARDS for her service (and also making more money than ever... she gets to have BOTH, we all do).
Selling does not have to be the thing between you and your people.
Selling does not have to be the thing between you and income.
Selling does not have to be a BARRIER to your success any more.
Selling for Weirdos will help you GIVE and SELL, all at once, in a way that works for you and them.
Don't wait to join us - let's all be exactly this kind of weird together.
Remember that at the end of the day tomorrow the price of Selling for Weirdos goes UP, from $383 to $705, AND you're chance to grab the bonus, 50 Powerful Thoughts to Remember about Yourself, disappears.
If you have questions, just hit reply and ask, I'm here!
Much LOVE!