Friday happy dance - I'm celebrating! Are you?

Sep 18, 2021 1:09 am

Hey there !

By now you probably know how I feel about Fridays.

And if not, here it is: Fridays are for CELEBRATING.

Yes, you DO have things to celebrate.

We all do - it's just a matter of paying attention to them.

Is it possible that you'll feel ridiculous?


Does it matter?


Here's the thing that you need to know.

Celebration is a CYCLE.

It goes like this:

  • We celebrate something (something tiny, something goofy, something, anything).

  • It makes us happy.

  • We share what we are happy about.

  • We ATTRACT other people - because other people want to be around people who are celebrating.

  • Those people being around bring us more reason to celebrate, so we DO.

  • Then we're even happier.

And the cycle continues.

What I want you to notice here is that this cycle did NOT start with the other people being attracted to us.

It didn't start at 'we were happy'.

It started at CELEBRATION.

So today, right freaking now, find something to CELEBRATE.


Hit reply and tell me all about it.

Because the second step isn't just being happy, it's SHARING your wins with other people in the world.

Tell me, tell your friends, your loved ones - and stop worrying that anyone will think what you are celebrating is stupid, small, or silly.

It's not, and they won't. We WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY, we want to CELEBRATE with you - pinky promise.

And just to prove that I practice what I preach, I'm going to share my goofball celebration list that I just wrote this afternoon.

Here you go:


This is not a list I made up just for you - it's my ACTUAL list... and yes, surviving 15 hours of zoom and my kids being home for YET another school holiday are worth celebrating.

Now it's your turn.

What are YOU celebrating today?



PS. Seriously, I launched a book today. A WORKBOOK.

As someone who never in a billion years planned to be any kind of author I'm still kind of in shock over the whole thing, but I'm also BEYOND proud, because it's going to help SO MANY FREAKING PEOPLE.

If you want a tool to help you stop questioning EVERY decision, stop constantly worrying if you are doing it 'right', and OWN your time, your processes, and your decisions FOR REAL, this is IT! 

It's my favorite charts, made insanely pretty by my genius friend Michelle Brady, and CRAZY useful with added context and a crap-ton of useful questions that will help your business today, tomorrow, and forever.

You can jump on the pre-sale here:
