One thing they *really* want to remember
Dec 22, 2023 2:16 pm
Hey there, ,
Happy Friday, happy nearly the new year, happy all the holidays - I hope that all is well and light in your world today.
I had no intention of sending an email this week, I know we are all running at 1000 mph and one more thing just didn't seem needed for me OR you.
But then.
Every day in my FB group I ask a question.
Yesterday I asked a question and I'm here the next day still really thinking about the answers - often the responses to questions in the group are amazing but these were, as one of my friends always says 'tattoo worthy' (as in, 'I need to tattoo this on my forehead to remember it', ha!).
I asked:
What’s something you’ve learned recently that you *really* want to remember (and that other people here might need to hear too)?
The handful of responses were ALL tattoo worthy... and somehow it just seemed important that you have these too, hence, this email.
So without further ado, here they are:
From C.: To stop bringing meaning to things that just are. Keep it neutral, rather than judging myself so harshly.
From L.: That you can order replacement parts for an awful lot of "assembly required" toys. Not business related, but since a lot of us are parents, and broken stuff happens, knowing you can usually fix the problem *for free* is magical.
There's probably a business metaphor in there too, so I'll leave that up to everyone's interpretation.
(for me that interpretation was: the fixes are often so much simpler than what we imagine them to be, right? (In everything, in every way…))
From C.: Asking what if serves no purpose I need to say what is next…
From J.: When there’s a drama, don’t create a mental story out of it which cements it as a memory. Stay present as much as possible afterwards so it slips into the past without affecting you too much. I had to do that today.
From B.: Things really do work out when you trust and let life flow.
So for you, today?
Which one is the one YOU need to remember, like a tattoo on your forehead (or as my friend Jen says, like a tattoo on your brain!)?
And how might remembering this bring you ease and joy during the holiday chaos, and maybe even into 2024?
That's it :)
May your holidays be bright, simple, and easy. May the new year bring easy and joy,
Much love,
PS. If you're thinking about joining Selling for Weirdos and making sales the thing that's both easier and more joyful (yes, that's a thing) in 2024, you can now see a whole bunch more details and buy directly from the course platform, Thinkific, here.
Maybe it's the gift you give yourself at the end of 2023.
If you have questions, I'm happy to answer - always. Just hit reply :)