For the stubborn folks out here, like me
Aug 12, 2024 5:09 pm
Hey there, ,
There are a lot of things I KNOW but that I regularly forget. I'm stubborn like that ;).
And last week there were TWO things I 'learned' that were more things I'd forgotten - and that maybe you've forgotten too.
Making more offers doesn't take more time.
I know this one. I KNOW it. And also? I forget, like... daily.
This month I decided I'd make 100 offers (50 for group coaching and 50 for Selling for Weirdos).
It sounds like a lot, and like a lot of work.
And last week? I made 26 offers (14 to SfW/12 to group) without working substantially more time.
What made the difference?
Honestly, 2 things.
- First, re-deciding (sometimes 10 time a day) that I was NOT going to be the reason people didn't say yes to my work this month. I was NOT going to be the reason you don't get what you need... and in order for that to be true, I had to make more offers.
- Second, tracking. I know this is going to sound silly, but writing down all of the offers you've made really makes it clear how many offers you've made. Go figure.
And that leads me to the second thing I learned:
Momentum is a product of ACTION.
We don't find momentum - we create it when we DO the things that matter.
In my case right now the things that matter are making offers and reaching out to new connections (26 and 15 last week respectively).
And you know what happened when I did MY things?
People connected. People I didn't expect reached out. People said YES. People shared opportunities. People asked for help.
Were they directly the result my offers and connection requests?
No - but also? Yes.
I made them moves that were needed, making those moves created the results I'm trying to create.
And that is what matters most.
So... for you, today?
Two things.
- First: How many offers do you want to make this week? Once you set the goal, how will you stay connected to it, and track your work?
- Second: What are the actions that matter the most in YOUR business right now to create the momentum YOU want and need? How will you do them this week?
If you need help with the making more offers without spending more time?
Come join Selling for Weirdos - that's our jam in that course.
If you need help creating your own momentum?
Come join small group coaching - even the DECISION to join, right now, IS a momentum creator ;). To DECIDE, hit reply, or book a time to talk here.
Or, you can always just hit reply and tell me all the things ;) I'm always here for that too.
Much love,