1200 hours later...

Dec 20, 2022 4:54 pm

Hey there, ,

I noticed this crazy thing yesterday.

I take notes during coaching calls in an app called Notability.

I was in the app last night, as I was talking to a client, and I just happened to notice my NUMBER of notes (that it was telling me are 'unfiled' and I'm okay with that...).


1201 notes.


And the VAST majority of the notes represent coaching that I've done with clients in the past 2+ years.

I started taking notes in this app sometime toward the end of 2020. I use it almost exclusively for coaching notes - sometimes there are other kinds of meeting notes in the mix, but mostly I take those notes on plain paper and then scan them into my Google drive with my phone.

Maybe there are 50 or 100 notes that AREN'T coaching, so let's say 1100 of the notes are from coaching calls.

This means that these 1100 notes come pretty close to counting as 1100 HOURS I've spent coaching.

So last night I started to think about this 1201 number and what it actually means - honestly, the math teacher in me kind of can't help herself.

If I've been using the app for 2 plus years, that's at least 24 months, but probably closer to 26.

1100/26 is 42 ish. This means I've averaging 42 HOURS of coaching per month over the last 2+ years (and you know just as well as I do that some months, esp early on, we less... which means lately there have been more :)).

42 hours of coaching per month/4 weeks per month is a little more than 10 hours of coaching per week over the last few years.

Which is CRAZY.

So, why on earth am I telling you this, because there MUST be some point, right?

Of course there is.

And there are TWO reasons.

First, I had NO IDEA I had done this much coaching. None. Seriously. No idea.

For me, noticing this number is a reminder of how much we all tend to downplay how much experience we *actually* have. We don't keep track of the hours we spend doing our work, practicing, learning, growing - and we tend to think we're not doing enough.

But if we kept track? If we SAW the data? If we were really counting?

The number is FAR bigger than we know.

It's a good reminder that you not only HAD expertise in your area to START with, but also that over time you become INCREASINGLY experienced - your value and expertise grow WITH you.

I have 1100 more hours of coaching experience than I did at the start... and I'd had a LOT of experience to start.

The same is true for you, no matter what you're doing now.

Go sit with that one for a while.

Second, if you're looking for an experienced coach - someone who has a whole range of experiences and insights built up over time to bring to YOUR work and business, and someone who has seen and been through the experiences you're having right now (both in her own businesses and in the businesses of others) and knows all the tricks to navigating them successfully... that's me.

I have the experience and the coaching skills to help you get where you are going as a business owner (and a human, because that actually really matters) faster, with more ease, and with less complication. Period.

I know how to help you simplify success and I want to be a resource for you in 2023.

As of right this moment there are three ways to coach with me... 1:1, in the Uncomplicating Success Small Group Coaching program (next round will start in Feb 2023), and in Selling by Giving and the SbG Implementation Lab (starting in March 2023).

If you're ready to uncomplicate your business, to simplify success (and let it be easier), to actually DO the things you know you want to do and just never seem to get to... it's time for us to have a chat. Book a time to talk here, and we'll figure out which way of working together is the best fit for YOU (because that matters most...).

And with that?

That's the end of emails for 2022 :) (at least from me...)

May you have a sparkly, restful, delicious, fun-filled holiday season and new year.

Here's to the simple and amazing things coming to you in 2023!


