For all the to-do list lovers

Mar 07, 2022 3:52 pm

Happy Monday, !

I have this one notebook...


And I have been using it since May of 2020.

Each page is the to-do list for one week.

This week I’m on the very last page.

Nearly 100 weeks later, you know what I can flip through and see?

There is NOT ONE SINGLE week every item was ‘done’.

Flipping through, I think most weeks I’m between 50% and 75% checked off (and some are very, very below that…)

And in these nearly 100 weeks I have made well over $100k as a business owner.

I have grown more than I can possibly share.

I have met literally hundreds of new people, spent hundreds of hours coaching and learning, written a book, created 60+ podcast episodes, taught 18 math classes to hundreds of college kids, given trainings, built a FB group, and a TON of other things…

Without EVER finishing my to-do list.

Which is just proof that finishing a to-do list - any to-do list - is just not ever necessary.

Not checking off all the things ≠ not reaching your goals.

Not checking off all the things ≠ not helping people.

Not checking off all the things = not checking off all the things.

You do not EVER need to be at 100%, doing 100% to get where you are going.

And beating yourself up about the shit not crossed off isn’t helping you get where you are meant to go.

So, this week?

Show up, do what you can, and keep going.

That’s the standard.

And it WILL be enough.



Happy Monday to YOU!



PS. Last week a client in my group program told me (half joking...) 'I should have hung up before it got uncomfortable, damn.'


Because she shared something she had been thinking about doing, and that she was going to spend some time last week thinking about when to do it.

Within the next five minutes she had a start date, a number of sessions to offer, a price, and she knew exactly what she was going to be talking about.

Suddenly something that she WANTED to do but had been very squishy and not quite real because it was not really a solid plan yet became alllll kinds of real and official.

And that was uncomfortable.

Because she's used to OVERthinking her plans, OVERthinking her decisions, and WAITING to act until she's 100% sure she's ready...

...and since the plans were never quite finished, she never quite decided, and she never felt ready to act, she didn't.

Which is EXACTLY why she came to group coaching.

She knew it was beyond time to get out of the thinking and into the doing - and yeah, that's uncomfortable.

But it's also going to make ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

Sometimes we just need someone to help us get out of OVERthinking and on to

just deciding already.

This is the magic of coaching 🙂

And if you need this exact same kind of magic? You need to stop thinking and planning and waiting so so damn much and get to doing already?

There's a seat in my group program starting April 1st for YOU.

Decisions will be made.

Actions will be taken.


As another group coaching client tells me all the time, I'm excellent at gently reminding you how amazing you are as I shove you, lovingly, off the cliff (because I know full well you CAN and WILL fly).

You CAN and WILL fly.

All you have to do to start is make ONE DECISION right now, to book a call and talk about it.

Book a time to talk about joining the group right here:
