Tiny bombs of usefulness for your Friday

Mar 01, 2024 4:55 pm

Hey hey, ,

First, happy Friday! We made it ;)

Second, this week seemed to be filled with what I think of as 'tiny bombs of usefulness' during coaching, and those always feel important to share, because if they were helpful to more than one person already, they might ALSO be helpful to you :)


First: there's plenty of room for progress between ALL and NOTHING.

Ask yourself: where am I assuming I can only do nothing because I can't do it ALL? (might be in creating something, sharing, how you spend time, exercising... there are LOTS of options!).

Second: you are a success right now, exactly as you are.

So often we're waiting to get somewhere else before we decide we're successful - but then we move the goal posts so we NEVER get there. And also? WE'RE ALREADY THERE.

Ask yourself: how am I a success already, right now, in this moment, exactly as I am right now?

(and if this is hard, check in --- would 5 years ago you be impress by now you? OF COURSE. Think about why that is. Start from there)

Third: focus on your fans (instead of the maybes, the nos, and the luke-warm yeses).

Ask yourself: what could I say/share/do today that would help my biggest fan, who totally gets what I do and LOVES it? How do I help THEM today?

Third... this one is a quick favor.

I have to create a new freebie for something I'm testing out in the next few weeks.

I have two things I think would be great - but I'd love to know which would be more helpful to YOU right now.

Hit reply and tell me ---> would you rather have...

... a 3-step guide for creating more (awesome) content/offers in way less time, with less drama?


... a 4-step guide for using your journal to grow your business/make money, without making it complicated or time consuming?

Any and all feedback (as always, really) is welcome :)

Happy Friday, happy weekend, happy ALL the things :)



PS! In UNComplicating Success small group coaching, we literally do just that.

Come join us. The next round begins THIS MONTH! We'll run 12 weeks, for $2000, and at the end your path to success (for your business AND you as a human) will be clearer, simpler, and easier to actually walk on :)

Hit reply to join, ask a question, or find a time to talk about it.
