Choosing the 'for-sure-unknown'

Dec 17, 2021 3:09 am

Hey there ,

We all know the quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”...

...any yet, on any given day we do exactly this.

This time of year is often when it's most obvious.

You are coming to the close of yet another year that go to plan.

  • You didn't reach your goal. Again.

  • You didn't create what you wanted from your business. Again.

  • You didn't get as far as you wanted to on paper. Again.

  • You're beating yourself up for playing small. Again.

And so you start planning for the new year with a renewed sense of 'This is the year things are going to be DIFFERENT' without REALLY changing the plan.

You start working toward a DIFFERENT result but without doing anything truly different.

The words on paper are different, sure - but the process, the tools, the resources you're using are all the same...which means the likely result will also be the same. 

Sound familiar?

If this is you, know that you are not alone.

We ALL do this.

Because while it's awesome to WANT different - but to DO different is a whole other thing.

Changing what you WANT is great and all...but the reality of changing what you actually DO is scary AF.

In this space, there are two things holding you back.

1. Fear of failure because failure feels like shit, and we all like to avoid feeling like shit.

2. Fear of success, because success (unlike failure) is NEW and DIFFERENT and new and different are UNKNOWS. We regularly choose feeling like shit over choosing the unknown.

But you want to know what's far scarier than either of these things?


The scariest possible future is staying stuck in the loop you are in right now. 

Setting goals, missing, resetting, setting goals, missing, resetting, setting goals, missing, resetting... on and on and on.

And so what do you do?

How do you actually move forward for a change?


Wth is a 'for-sure-unknow'? 

  • It's something that you KNOW logically will help you, but that your aren't 100% sure will work for you.

  • It's something NEW to YOU but not new in the universe.

  • It's something that CAN and WILL work, but that you just don't have the actual proof of, because you haven't done it yet.

Like hiring a business coach.

Getting coached is a for-sure-unknown.

Coaching 100% creates positive change in you and your business.

Coaching 100% helps you fail and succeed with less fear.

But coaching is also likely new to you.

You see it works in theory, if you can believe all the stuff out on the internet...but you haven't seen it work for YOU.

So it's for sure, but also unknown.

It's a paradox.

Except actually it's not. 

Remember... "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

You've tried doing this business thing alone. Repeatedly.

You KNOW the results of that.

You also KNOW that staying the same forever is NOT what you want.

Which means the logical choice is to choose change.

And the simplest, easiest, and most effective change comes from coaching.

The for-sure-unknown.

Yes. It's right for you.

Yes. It will change you for the better.

And the sooner you start, the sooner you get to that goal you've just not been able to get. 

Choose. Coaching.

The you that's reached your goal and THEN SOME by this time next year will thank you.



PS. If you are ready to talk about 1:1 coaching (which, btw, does not mean you have to say yes), book a time to talk here.

If group coaching is more your style, the next round of the Charting Business Success small group coaching program (limited to 5 people!) kicks off the week of February 7th 2022. If you want to be one of the first to have the option to grab a spot, join the list of early birds here.
