If your problem is process (or lack thereof) this is for you
Aug 10, 2022 4:44 pm
Dear ,
Do you wish you had a simpler process?
Or, really, ANY process?
Do you feel like you don't know WHAT your process is for doing a whole raft of things - from creating new content, to marketing, from organizing stuff, to making sales - and it's so damn hard to FOLLOW a process and repeat a process if you don't have one to start with?
Or do you HAVE a process - but you're pretty sure you're making things wayyyy harder than they have to be, you're spending more time than needed, and it's not the RIGHT process?
If this is you, and you're like 'Damn, if someone would just tell me HOW TO DO THIS, I would follow their process and it would be so. much. easier,' this is for YOU.
[And possibly, you're going to HATE what I'm about to tell you.]
First, if you are in the camp of 'I don't have a process', your brain is a liar.
You DO have a process for whatever it is you're trying to do -- you just haven't made it concrete for yourself.
If you are in this camp, step one is to STOP and ask yourself: 'WHAT is my current process for doing _____?' (work from the assumption you DO have a process...)
It might NOT be pretty - but really, the most effective processes AREN'T.
Which brings us to the other part of this.
If you are in the camp of 'I have a process, but it's ugly, extra steps, wrong, cumbersome...', consider this:
Your current process is your current process for a reason. You came up with it - intentionally or not - and it IS serving you right now because things ARE happening.
Maybe not at the speed you want, maybe not with the ease you want - but they are happening.
What IF part of the reason you're process isn't as fast or as easy as you'd like is that you haven't ACCEPTED that your process is your process?
What IF part of the reason you're process feels bad is because you're JUDGING it to be bad?
What IF instead you tried accepting and trusting (ugh, I know, trusting, blech.) your current process IS good enough and DOES work?
That's step ONE.
The truth is that the best, most effective process for you is likely not Pinterest worthy. My best processes sure are NOT either.
They aren't seemless, they aren't perfectly automated, they aren't stupid-proof, they aren't perfect... but the internet tells us they should be, and that if ours aren't that we're wrong.
And that's just plain old garden variety bullshit.
Processes that work are simply just that. They are processes that work.
It doesn't matter what they look like OR that they can work for ANYONE else. It's YOUR process, it only needs to work for YOU.
So accept it. Be kind to your process.
And then?
Ask yourself: How can I make this process ONE step simpler? How can I make this process 10% easier on myself? What's one small adjustment I can make to this process to help me FEEL better about it? How can I make this process more ME and less 'should'?
Whatever that answer is? Do that.
Follow the new and improved process - with love - for a bit, and then ask the question again.
And make it 10% easier again. Until it feels like YOU.
Because the more YOU your process feels like, the better it's going to work.
Much love,
PS. If you are looking around at your processes and it just feels like...a lot, let's talk. Simplifying processes - taking out steps you don't need, peeling out the extra to save you time, energy and sanity - is my jam.
If you want to talk process, you have three options:
- Schedule a One-Bite coaching session here. All coaching, all process fixing, no sales. You walk away with fewer steps. The end.
- Schedule a free call to talk about 1:1 coaching here. We'll figure out what processes you have, what you need, and build them, together. Plus we'll fine tune your processes so that they fit you, and do exactly what you need them to do, asap.
- Be the first to join (or talk with me about joining) the October class of my small group coaching program, Uncomplicated Results. We're going to do exactly that. You can schedule a call to get the details here.