Toon Raccoon Newsletter: September 2024

Sep 02, 2024 3:24 pm


September 1, 2024: Hey — Welcome to the SECOND issue of the Toon Raccoon newsletter! As ever, a quick roundup of what's going on and stuff you might have missed over the past month of social media. Thanks again for subscribing … Let's keep this ball rolling!

This Daily Life

A good chunk of this month was still tied up getting through that big batch of freelance, but I did get to take a break towards the end of the month by attending DenFur! It was pretty good … Not as large or busy as the bigger cons I go to, but I still saw lots of fans, made some sales, and caught up with a few old and new friends there. Definitely a pleasant trip; if I saw you there, thanks for stopping by!

imageOnce I got back, it was time to celebrate the boyf's birthday this month! I took him out to a nice restaurant on the river for lunch, and made him a steak-and-salmon dinner at home. Then we had a party with about a dozen local friends with eight pizzas and homemade French onion sour cream dip, and I baked a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting studded with dark chocolate chips. Hopefully a good time was had by all, and certainly I love my guy. ❤️

Patreon Update

imageAs of last week my Patreon is unpaused and fully operational again! My Bigger Boyfriend will be wrapping up Ocean's first day at the new job and moving into the next story arc soon … $2 patrons see those strips two weeks early! And meanwhile, in the Coyena Comics story How I Met Your Coyena Dad! (a flashback story about how Zephyrus and the other coyena siblings' parents first met), Boreas has grown big enough to threaten the science building … will Aura be able to do anything to help him? $6-and-up patrons get exclusive access to these stories, as well. If you enjoy big growth shenanigans and would like to help support my work a bit, please check it out and join the gang there!

Art Digest

As you may have heard, the fourth of August (8-4!) is Bowser Day, when folks draw fan art of the great big turtle dad himself … and I wanted to join in this year! I posted my hunkified version of him, as well as a silly NSFW version for the 18+ crowd.


On a more bittersweet note … I was reminded recently that it's been six months since we lost our friend Sirius. I only ever saw him briefly at conventions, but he was always a warm and friendly guy and a decent artist in his own right. I did remember this sketch I did for him awhile back, though, and pulled it from the archives to share in memoriam.


And finally … This was a commission that was requested while I was at Las Vegas Fur Con a few months ago, that I haven't posted anywhere yet, of friends Dashing and Ulfrich getting large and enjoying a bier on the strip!


Final Roundup

And that's it for this month! Next month I'll have information about more upcoming projects, and hopefully some good news about conventions … I've applied for both Midwest and Further Confusion and I'm awaiting their responses! In the meantime, if you want more up-to-the-minute news, you can follow any of my social media channels, including:

If you're enjoying this newsletter and have friends who you think might enjoy it as well, please feel free to spread the word!

Thanks, and have a great September! ❤️


toonraccoon.artfor general information and contact info
