Book Offers, a Review, and a 7-Week Health & Happiness Journal

Jul 24, 2024 12:15 pm



I apologize for the long gap since my last newsletter. I hope life has been treating you well and you've discovered some captivating reads in the meantime. If you've found a gem of a book, please let me know as I'm always looking for books to review.

The past few months have been incredibly busy with my author service and publishing projects, leaving me with little time to write. However, I'm excited to share that I am working hard on my next fantasy book, Katrina & the Chalice of Secrets.

You're among the first to know...

I've just released a 7-week weight loss, health, and happiness plan, guided journal called 'My Inner Slim' - which you can find more about at the bottom of the newsletter.

Thank you for your patience and continued support. Stay tuned for more updates, and happy reading!

PS. All the usual things are here, free books, a book review, giveaways, plus information about My Inner Slim.

Released last year...


 YA Fantasy - Can be read as a standalone

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$2.99/£2.50 or Free on Kindle Unlimited

61 reviews on Amazon US, with a 4.8* rating


I want to give a big shout-out to my sister, Samantha, who painted and created this new book cover for me, for A White Christmas in Berrycombe. Some of her work can be found at Sam Parr Art & Illustrations.


An Amazon review: "This is the best Christmas story I have read. The characters are real, the timeline is current, and it exemplifies what Christmas and community should be like all year long."

 Christian, Christmas Holiday Romance

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$0.99/£0.85 or Free on Kindle Unlimited

110 reviews on Amazon US, with a 4.7* rating



My latest book review


At the Stroke of Midnight by Jenni Keer


5 out of 5 stars  Relaxing mix of murder mystery and slow-burn romance



At 19, Pearl has done nothing more adventurous in her life than buy a modern bathing suit (1920s) and swim in the lake – against the grumblings of her authoritarian father. Little did she know that when a threatening letter arrives demanding their presence at a soirée for a select few, her life was about to begin – or end. With five guests and two staff, Highcliffe House, which has been shut up for twenty years, awakens to the perfect setting for murder. Pearl finds herself fighting not only for her life but the lives of the other guests. Can she save them? Is the manservant someone she can trust? She hopes so because he’s awakening within her feelings she never dreamt she would have. And exactly where did Virgil and Lenora Brockhurst disappear to twenty years ago?


The attractive book cover drew my attention and I am glad it did. This is certainly not the best ever book I’ve read but it does rate high on my list of books I’ve enjoyed reading. It is an easy read. Keer does an excellent job of portraying the 1920s and packs the book with a fabulous atmosphere of the times. For people who like descriptions that bring historical novels to life – you’re in for a treat. I enjoyed the slow-burn romance between Pearl and Ellery and how he coaxes her out of her shell. The plot is great. I thought the mysteries were unveiled at a perfect pace and they had me continually turning the page to find out more. I enjoyed the fact that the dialogue befits the times.


I only had a couple of sighs at Pearl’s first few decisions. This isn’t a gripe, but it was a tiny bit predictable, and I guessed some of the major twists early on. However, that took nothing away from how much I enjoyed reading it and I will certainly be looking to read more by this author.

To sum up

At the Stroke of Midnight is an eloquent novel that expertly weaves mystery, romance, and history together. I am glad I started it on a Friday evening as I couldn't put it down until I’d finished. I look forward to reading more by this author. I recommend it to period drama fans and those who enjoy a good whodunnit. In a nutshell – an Agatha Christie Whodunnit meets Groundhog Day!

  Time Travel Romance

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I am not sure how long this book will be at $0.99.

$0.99/£0.99 or Free on Kindle Unlimited

1,062 reviews on Amazon US, with a 4.3* rating

Released March 2024


Giveaways that might interest you


There are some great books in this giveaway - a mix of genres to suit all tastes, just click on the ones you would like to read and download.

Expires on 3rd Aug 2024

30 free books & a chance to win $30!

30 Free Books in a Summer Giveaway



Book Cave's $500 Ultimate Ebook Reader Giveaway!

Win a free Ereader



Enter for a chance to win Fourth Wing and Iron Flame



Enter for a chance to win everything in the picture.


Here are a few free Kindle books - from other authors available on Amazon


Silenced Girls -  Women's Sleuths/Crime Thriller

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11,122 Amazon US reviews 4.5* rating


Secrets of the Cottage by the Sea - Contemporary Women's Romance

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4,796 Amazon US reviews 4.4* rating


The Lost Girls of Ireland - Contemporary Women's Fiction

US Link .......... UK Link ........... CA Link .......... AUS Link

20,021 Amazon US reviews 4.3* rating


A new weight loss plan!

Being twice the body weight I should be has been a cause of concern for me, not just because of how it looks (although I'm often ashamed) but primarily because of my poor health and lack of mobility. At 63, I have tried numerous diets and lost weight, only to put it all back on again over time. At the beginning of this year, I decided I was fed up with telling myself, 'I lack willpower' and 'I feel like an old woman', so I set about educating my mind and reprograming my thinking.

I've been reading a lot of books lately, each offering unique insights. The latest one, by Elodie Fontaine, inspired me immensely. She suggested keeping a journal, which motivated me to create one. Yesterday, I released my journal on Amazon. I hope it will inspire women to take simple, effective steps towards improving their health and happiness.

By following the seven practices outlined in my journal, I have been losing an average of 2 pounds per week without dieting. Starting my day with breathing exercises has improved my focus and helped me appreciate that I am nurturing my body rather than punishing it with strict diets or intense workouts. In the evenings, I take a short walk after dinner. Additionally, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into my diet has worked wonders. Remarkably, the arthritic pain in my knee has disappeared, much to the surprise of my physiotherapist, and the pain in my spine has significantly reduced. I also feel much happier—likely due to the relief from years of pain. I am optimistic that I will continue to improve my lifestyle and enjoy simple pleasures like walking along the canal.


Here is a taster for you from week 1's introduction page of the journal.

Breathing - The Forgotten Art


Who knew that breathing deeply can help you get fit and lose weight? I didn’t until I read Unlock the Power of Vagus Nerve Exercises by Elodie Fontaine. I learned a lot from this book, but the most impactful lesson was the importance of early morning breathing exercises. The book is brilliant, and I highly recommend it. Below, in a nutshell, is my biggest takeaway from six months of research.


I start each day by either sitting comfortably in a quiet place or, if it’s not raining (I live in England, so sunny days are a rare treat!), I go into the garden barefoot and stand on the grass. Once comfortable, I close my eyes and breathe in through my nose for a count of four and then release through pursed lips for a count of six. Putting one hand on my chest and one on my stomach I can concentrate as I pull each breath down into my abdomen (making it swell) and then release (making it shrink).

During the breathing exercises, I concentrate on each breath. If a thought pops into my mind, I consciously let it go and return my attention to my body. Even if I only manage to do this for two minutes, the day starts on a positive note. On days when I can manage ten minutes of breathing exercises, something wonderful happens: I am filled with vitality and an eagerness to confront my day.

Back inside, I fill the filter coffee machine, switch it on, and then head to the table to fill in my journal while I wait for that first delicious cup. After noting how I slept last night, how I feel right now, and what I’m looking forward to today, I repeat my daily mantras, which I have started writing down in my journal.

Starting the day this way has turned my life around. I am more energetic and enthusiastic, and I have the mental capacity to face things I have been dreading. On top of all that, I know (thanks to Elodie’s book) that I am helping my Vagus Nerve to complete its functions in my body, which include:

Repairing the immune system * Controlling stress and anxiety

Relieving depression * Achieving digestive health

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” – This quote by Thich Nhat Hanh highlights the profound connection between our breath, body, and mind.

This week’s suggested reading: Breath by James Nestor and/or Unlock the Power of Vagus Nerve Exercises by Elodie Fontaine

 My Inner Slim - 7 Simple Steps towards Health & Happiness

You can grab a copy at the links below if you or someone you know might benefit from it.

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New Release


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Happy reading everyone.

I hope you enjoyed today's newsletter - please let me know your thoughts. Is there something else you would like to read about in these emails?

Take care and God Bless, & see you in a few months.

