Over 750 fr33 romances

Jul 23, 2024 11:52 am



I'm participating in a special event today.

Together with several other authors, from several different genres, we're offering some of our books for free.

We have over 750 free titles!


If you're looking for Paranormal and Fantasy books go:


To download books in another genre, go to the website's front page and choose which genre(s) you want to browse.


This event will take place on July 23rd and will only last for 24 hours!  


Now, if you want to go directly to the source without having to search for the book I'm offering for free, the cover is above, and here are the links:

Amazon UK

Amazon USA

Important note: These books are no strings attached. There's no need to subscribe to any newsletters.

Also, please make sure the book is free before you one-click it. The organizer will try to clean all non-free books, but some might slip through the cracks.

I hope you participate with me in this event and find your next favorite reads!

Happy book hoarding,



If you're looking for your next awesome read in the epic fantasy genre, you can't miss this Book Fair! 


Go Here!

