Devon or Alex?

Jun 21, 2024 12:00 pm



If you have been with me for a while, you're probably aware that I enjoy testing different genres and not sticking to only one species or two of supernatural beings. In fact, my last release was a new standalone in my witch/vampire hybrid universe.

So, I hope you'll be happy to know that I have finished the first draft of book 2 in the Blood Bender Rebel Series.

Now, I'm in the editing phase, but it will soon be ready for publishing. Maybe in July or August, fingers crossed.

However, here's a snippet of what's to come:

***Snippet from Blood Rebel. ***

I had failed to kill Mister Saggra. I had searched for him, but he was well hidden and protected by his loyal hunters. I shoved my phone in front of my face once more to read his reply to my request to take Devon off the kill list.

Denied. He remains a target.

The navy-blue velvet of the engagement ring box that Devon had given me during the president’s daughter’s wedding was clammy in my palm. I was clutching it too hard. I was furious. If I couldn’t eliminate the threat to Devon’s life, I would have to tell him about it. He deserved the chance to protect himself. But Devon had ignored me for over a week, so to come crawling back to him wasn’t easy.

If that is how he wanted to play it, I might as well return the ring along with the bad news.

**end of the snippet**

If you read Blood Mate, I'm curious, are you team Devon or team Alex?


Vote for Devon

Vote for Alex

I'll have more news about my new release next month. Until then, take a look at some of the awesome reading suggestions I have for you today!

Until next time,




He came for her heart, but she'll leave with his.



A soldier who conjures shadows.

A princess cursed to dance.

A mystery none can solve.


