Bonus Chapter of Fate Bound!

Feb 22, 2025 11:48 am


Hello Happy Readers!

Here is the last bonus chapter as promised. I want to emphasise that if you have not finished reading the series, this will contain huge spoilers!



I quickly donned a clean war uniform, fitting shin guards and armguards, knowing I wouldn’t back down in a fight with the demon prince this time. Fumbling to get my gear on, my nerves sizzled with irritation. I needed to be fast if I was going to catch up with Jelena before she reached the gates. If she rode beyond the gates and the demon prince got her, it would be impossible to get her back. At least she had Eve. But they would struggle to protect themselves at the mansion.

Does Jelena know that the magical vein doesn’t run underneath the mansion?

I fitted my weapons to my uniform. Fear pounding inside me like a war drum. I had never wanted to save someone so badly. This moment was what I had trained for all my life. I left the apartment and rushed to the stables. Every hall, room or corridor, I passed, I shouted out for Jelena in the hope she might not have left yet. But I couldn’t find her. The stables were quiet, too, and as I walked deeper inside, I saw Eve sitting on a hay bale and Froy was lying on the ground.

“Eve, what’s going on?”

She was pressing the heel of her palm to her forehead as if to pacify a powerful headache.

“The princess cast a sleeping spell on us.” She kicked gently at Froy’s side.

“Froy, wake up!”

“Shit! So, she is out there alone?”

“I have no idea what happened after she knocked me out. But if I dare a guess, I’d say yes.”

I rushed to the tack room and retrieved a saddle and a bridle to prepare a brown stallion that looked strong and rested. Eve appeared at the stall door just when I had sat up and was about to leave.

“Master Dylan, it’s too late. She’ll be beyond the wall way before you. The prince’s spies will take her to the mansion. You can’t fight an entire household of demon guards by yourself. Wait for his demands and negotiate with him.”

“He won’t let her go. I have nothing to negotiate with that he wants. I must get to her before they arrive at the mansion.”

“If you pressure the demon prince with an attack, he might kill Tara. He doesn’t need her anymore.”

I didn’t want to condemn Tara to death, but I couldn’t lose Jelena. “Let’s pray to the spirits I’ll get to the princess in time then. Haya!”

I pushed passed Eve, who moved aside, and set the horse into a fast canter and pushed him hard all the way to the city gates.

“Guard Gordon!” I called for his attention atop the guard tower.

“Master Dylan. Another mission beyond the wall?”

“Has the princess passed through the gates?”

“Yes, about thirty minutes ago.”

“Why the fuck did you let her out!”

“She said it was a royal order.”

Typical her to use her authority to get what she wanted. It wasn’t Gordon’s fault.

“I need a rested horse. Can I take any from the hitching pole?”

“Use the black one. He is the one I rode here this morning.”

“Thank you!”

I swapped the saddle and bridle over to the other horse and just as I was about to mount, Gordon came down the turret steps.

“Let me see your paperwork quickly before you leave.”

Damn. I didn’t have any official documents from the administration building to say I was allowed to leave. Without them, he wouldn’t open the gates.

“In my haste, I seem to have forgotten them in my apartment.”

Guard Gordon looked around. “Are you here by yourself?”

“It’s a personal mission.”

“After joining the courts, anything you do is in the capacity of the courts. You have no personal life.”

“Please, Gordon. I need to rescue the princess. She’s going to hand herself over to the demon prince. I need to get to her before they reach the mansion. Open the gates.”

He shook his head. “You know I’d be lashed and worse, if I opened the gates without having seen the official paperwork. They would do even worse things to you if you went against me.” He looked at me, insinuating he didn’t want to fight me.

“We can say I knocked you unconscious. Open the bloody gates, Gordon!”

He shook his head again. “Sorry, Master Dylan. You’ll have to come back when you have the appropriate permissions. I’ll whistle for the archers on top of the battlements if you push this any further.”

“I’ll be back before anyone knows I was ever gone.”

“Turn around, Master Dylan. You know the archers won’t miss.”

I mounted and snatched at the reins to veer the horse back towards the administration building. Although, I doubted I would have the paperwork in my possession before the demon prince had already taken Jelena. 

I’d failed. But had I caught up with her before she had reached the gate, she probably would have used her magic on me, and I would have never had a chance to stop her. The only thing I could do was to make plans to break her out of the mansion.

I tied the horse to the hitching pole in front of the administration building and hasted inside.

“Rosalee!” I called for the clerk, and her portly form came out from her office, peering above her reading glasses at me. “Master Dylan?”

“I need the forms for a mission beyond the wall.”

“Another mission?”

“It’s urgent.”

She pulled back her head from the door frame and after a minute she came out to the reception desk, putting the paper on the worktop and handing me a pen.

The form was extensive, requiring information about why, how and when the mission would take place and there was no time to fill it out. I left all the fields blank and signed my name on the signature line at the bottom before pushing them back towards Rosalee.

She stared at me quizzically. 

“As I said, it’s urgent.”

“I can’t put a stamp of approval on this. Why do you need to go beyond the wall?”

I didn’t want to tell her in case I would get the princess in trouble. “I’m just scouting for demons.”

“And that’s urgent? Who is going with you on this mission?”

“I’m going alone.”

“You’re not taking Eve, Trox and Cunninoro?”

“No, just me.”

“That’s too dangerous. This is no normal request. Fill out the entire form and find at least two more warriors to come with you, and then I’ll stamp it for you.”

“Please, Rosalee. I must go. Take it as a personal favour.”

“Nope. If you want special permission, you’ll have to go to the Grand Master.”

“Fine.” I snatched the paper up from the desk and made my way towards the Grand Master’s office.

“Dylan” Trox called across the street. 

“Trox, not now. I don’t have time.”

He jogged towards me. “Eve told me what happened, so I came here as fast as I could, knowing you would need the mission paperwork.”

“Great! You’re coming? Is Cunninoro here, too? We can fill this in.” I held out the paperwork. 

He put a hand on my shoulder, and I didn’t like the look on his face. “Eric, it’s too late. There is nothing we can do. You must make a choice. Either you tell the Grand Master to notify the royal family so they can use their army to extract her, or you wait to see if any demands come through from the demon prince. Bear in mind that the princess is a part of the court, so if the Grand Master finds out she has gone beyond the wall without permission, she’ll be lashed again. By Master Eve.”

I sat down on the stone bench along the administration building’s façade and roared. “She is so frustrating. Why did she do this?” 

“Maybe because you kept the negotiations about her best friend secret. She misses Tara.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”

“Maybe if you had been kinder to her in her time of need; accepted her letters, communicated with her and assured her you loved her, she wouldn’t have run away and instead stayed to confide in you.”

“You are a relationship expert now? She spends one night in your bed, and you think you know her?”

“That was cruel, Eric. We have been best friends always and I have never betrayed you. You know what happened that night.”

“I’m sorry. I fear I’ve lost her, Trox. The demon prince will not free her and he will torture her for the rest of her life. I must do something. I really love her.”

“I hurt with you. I do. And it’s nerve-racking to wait when you don’t know what will happen next, but that’s my advice. Blow off some steam in the gym, eat dinner and have a think about what to do. Maybe when you’re not panicking, a plan will become clearer.”

Trox and I sparred for hours and had dinner together with Eve, Cunninoro, Savanry and Essinos. The conversation was stilted. They were all probably thinking about the princess, too.

After dinner, Trox and I went for a jog and I deliberately chose the path Jelena always took through West Park, hoping she would be there even when I knew she wouldn’t. Gordon had confirmed she had gone beyond the wall. The wait was driving me crazy. The havoc inside my chest was barely manageable.

Returning to the court, I paced the floor-space of our apartment, checking inside her room every so often, as if I would suddenly see her sitting on her bed. The rooms smelt of her and it increased the agony. 

Someone knocked on my door so I hurried to open. Maybe there was news of Jelena. On the other side of the door stood Vesso, Givina and Kreia.

“This is all your fault,” Vesso growled. “I’ve heard Jelena has gone beyond the wall by herself. Why didn’t you go with her?”

“Why didn’t you stop her?” Kreia added.

“Stop Jelena? You saw her in the double duel against the Grand Master, right?”

They nodded.

“I tried to go after her, but I didn’t have the mission paperwork.”

Vesso and Kreia were warriors now. They could come with me. 

No. Not a good idea. If I cause their deaths, Jelena will never forgive me.

“Return to your rooms. I’m doing all I can. Tomorrow, I’ll take the best plan of action.”

They left, and I kept pacing the rooms.

What if I never saw her again? What if the demon prince had already killed her?

I balled my fists, anger shooting through me. I needed a shower. After, I went to bed, but it was hard to sleep with all the nightmares. 

Morning came, and lunchtime, and still I had heard nothing from the demon prince.

Suddenly, there was a cheer in the corridor, so I shoved my head outside. Eve strolled down the corridor with her arms around Tara.

“She’s safe! She’s back!” she shouted when she saw me, and she wore the biggest smile on her lips.

There were a group of people following the joyous train of friends. I saw Master Sarah and a few more women from their guild.

I stepped out into the corridor. “Tara. I’m glad to see you back unharmed. What of the princess?”

I inspected Tara as we spoke, she didn’t look too beaten up, but her skin showed she had had some bruising, and apart from a small limp, she was intact. I prayed the princes would be treated with the same mercy.

“She cured the demon prince’s father, so I’m surprised they let me go, but they kept their deal. Obviously, the demon prince made no deal to let Jelena go free. I’m sorry. Any mission you commission to rescue her, count me in.”

After Tara had told me all about the demon prince’s plans, the party carried on and the noise softened as they had entered Tara and Eve’s apartment and Eve had closed the door.

I couldn’t sit around any longer, so I went to knock on Trox’s door.

He opened with rejected shoulders. “It’s Sunday morning.”

“It’s after lunch.”


“Tara is back.”

Trox looked more awake at hearing that. 

“And Jelena?”

“No. Tara says she will come on a rescue mission. I want to ask around to see how many would join us. Are you in?”

“Of course. When?”

“I don’t think Rosalee will approve the mission if we go when I have to teach classes, so either-”

“Master Dylan!” someone shouted, interrupting me. 

I recognised the voice. It was the royal messenger, Pivirio.


My heart pounded. Did he have news of Jelena?

Pivirio closed the gap between us, handing me a small scroll. “From the demon prince.”

I quickly unrolled it to read.

Provide me with a letter, confirming Tara has returned to the court unharmed before this evening, or I’ll spike the princess’ head and place the spear outside the city gates. The letter must be in Master Dylan’s handwriting and leave no doubt in the princess’ mind that her friend is safe.

I sprinted into my apartment and sat down at the desk in my bedroom, picking out a paper and pen. Pivirio and Trox were in my room the next moment.

“What did the scroll say?” Pivirio asked.

“I need to write a letter and you must take it back to the demon prince, or he’ll kill her.”

What could I write that would leave no doubt in her mind that I had written the letter?

I started.


Dear Jelena,

I shook my head and put the paper aside to get a new one. 

My little hummingbird,

I’m very cross with you. Froy and Eve had a blistering headache when they woke up and you went beyond the wall by yourself. This is a new level of recklessness I didn’t even expect from you. I’ll have to commission a special trophy for you. 

The demon prince has returned Tara to the court as he had promised and as I told you, there is no way he will let you go free, but I think you’ve realised this by now. 

The demon prince announced that he has awoken your grandfather Gustus Gravelleli from a curse, and they have already sent their demand for the royal family to evacuate the castle in order to reinstate him on the throne, or they will kill you. The court and the royal house will never agree to their terms. 

So, tell me, how am I supposed to live without you? How am I supposed to endure every day not knowing if they are torturing you to death? I know this is all my fault. We were supposed to be a team, but I was only holding you back in the fear of losing you and in doing so, I lost you. Birds can’t be happy when caged. I’ve learned that now. Alas, too late. I’m heartbroken, and it feels like death can’t come soon enough to easy my pain. 

My heart belongs to you forever. We are Fate Bound. 



That would do. My discontent would challenge her to break out only to prove me wrong. I needed her to fight. To stay alive. I could not afford to have her lose her spark just because she knew Tara was back safely. I still needed her. The kingdom needed her.

I rolled the paper up into a scroll and melted wax onto the edge, pressing down with my seal before handing it to Pivirio.


He nodded and went over to open the window and left through it after having transformed to his eagle shape.

The wait was excruciating. I needed to go for another run. I ran to the administration building and back in thirty minutes and had a long shower. 

Someone knocked on the door, so I hurried to open, surprised to see Pivirio on the other side of it.

“What’s happening?”

“The princess is safe and back at the castle.”

I stared at him in silence. “What?”

“You can breathe out. She’s fine.”

I felt like collapsing, but supported my hands on my knees, breathing steadily. “Can I see her?”

He held out a scroll. “I’m afraid you’ll have to. The king has summoned you to present yourself before him in three hours.”

“The king?” I looked at the royal wax seal. “Has she chosen a king? Who is she marrying?”

My heart hurt.

If it’s the demon prince, I’ll flip.

“No. King Marcus.”

“Her father? She cured him?”


“She will be happy. It pleases me to hear that.”

“That might be too soon to say. Master Dylan, the princess has told him about her love for you, so I’d be careful on how you answer his questions to you. You have three hours to think through what you are willing to sacrifice for Jelena, as a wrong word could cost your life. I wish you good luck.”

“Thank you.”

He left, and I closed the door. Jelena was safe. I sighed out my relief. That was all that mattered. She had been brave telling her father about us. She must have been terrified. I wouldn’t let her down. Of course, I would go to the castle and fight for her.

I don’t care what it costs me!

It would take just over an hour to ride to the castle. I needed to eat and get dressed in my official long-vest with the medals and putting those on would take me a while.

I prepared myself and walked down to the stables to look for the most elegant black stallion. Once I arrived at the castle gates, there were more guards there than expected, who escorted me into the castle and towards the throne room.

I had to still my heart, or powerful mages in this place would notice how nervous I was. I focused my hardest on keeping my wits, as I would need to be sharp to impress the king. 

The trumpets sounded the royal fanfare.

The guards pushed me forwards and through the doors of the throne room. There she was. My heart settled, and all fear vanished. She was safe and gorgeous, wearing the same outfit as she had worn on the tournament day. She was fiddling with the necklace I had bought her. As I had frozen in my step to admire her, the guard behind me pushed at my back.

Walking down the aisle, I glanced at King Marcus, who also looked strong, sitting on the throne. He wore a burgundysurcoat and a large golden crown on his head over his long black hair, and he had a sword hung from his belt.

Birkim was standing behind the queen in a green guard’s uniform, donned with a lot of weapons. Besides Birkim, I saw Kimich, a truth-reader. Okay, that required some more diplomacy in my responses. Pivirio and Prince Nickel stood behind Princess Jelena. So, they heavily guarded the princess, and they were prepared to draw their weapons on me.

Jelena suddenly tore away from Pivirio and sprinted my way. Her father called for her to stop and stay at his side, but she ignored him. 

Of course, she would. 

This time, her disobedience was to my advantage. I had missed her so much and I opened my arms to catch her as she didn’t slow, throwing herself at me. I hugged her tightly.

“Thank the spirits. You’re safe.”

“Jelena!” the king roared. “I told you to stay by my side.”

I looked at her and then cocked my head to look the king in the eye. “Rest assured that her disobedience does not reflect a lack of authority on your part, your Majesty. With time, you’ll learn that she doesn’t obey anyone’s orders.”

“That, she takes after her mother,” he answered and glanced at the queen. A soft chuckle filled the corners of the hall, coming from the guards who were watching.

“You should go back to your father, Princess,” I advised.

She was about to turn around when she saw my ‘lucky pouch’ hung around my neck.

She pinched it between her fingers. “What’s this?”

“It’s the seven flowers you tucked under my pillow when I was near death. They saved me then, and I was hoping they would bring me luck still.”

“You kept them?”

“Of course. They remind me of you.”

The king cleared his throat.

“Please, go. You’ll make this harder on me.”

She actually nodded this time and returned to stand at the side of the throne. 

I approached the steps up to the dais and knelt in front of them.

“Your Majesty, I have humbly come here on your bequest. How may I serve you?”

The king gestured for Kimich to approach me. Kimich walked to the gap between me and the steps and squatted, sweeping his hands around in a circle around him, creating a yellow glow. The magic pulsated, fading and throbbing with the yellow essence and emitting a buzzing sound. When Kimich had finished, he returned to Birkim’s side.

“Master Dylan,” the king spoke up. “I have summoned you here because it has come to my attention that my daughter loves you.”

The words warmed inside my chest. She had told everyone publicly that she loved me. I couldn’t help the small smile curving up on my lips, but I didn’t dare to lift my gaze from the floor.

“You’re not of noble birth to have a claim to my daughter, but because Birkim has called in a favour I cannot deny, I have agreed to hear your side of the story, if you wish to tell it.”

“I’m very grateful for that opportunity, your Majesty.”

“The circle in front of you is made of truth magic, so it will reveal any lie you say when inside it. If you wish to speak your mind, please enter the spell area. Once you are inside it, the magic will not allow you outside of it until Kimich removes the spell. You may, of course, choose to decline and return to the court.”

Kimich took a step forward. “If I may add. The magic in the circle will kill you instantly if you lie.”

“What?” Jelena gasped. “No! I don’t agree to this!”

“That won’t be necessary, Kimich.” The king waved his hand towards him. “You can turn that feature off.”

“I’m afraid I can’t, your Majesty. It’s the effect of the magic and I can’t control that.”

“No, then we’re not doing this,” Jelena said and was about to head down the steps. It frightened me that this would mean that I’d lose her. The king would wed her to someone else. I quickly held up my hand to stop her. “It’s not a problem.”

“Have you understood your options?” the king asked narrowing his eyes quizzically at me.

I rose. “Yes.” Without hesitation, I stepped into the circle.

“Very well, let’s begin.” The king cleared his throat. “I heard that my word was adhered to and that the street outside your house was named after your father. Your father was a fine man. Has anyone spoken any discredit about his name?”

“No, Your Majesty.”

“And how have you and your family fared without your father?”

I thought about my mother and brother. We had all fought so hard to keep food on the table and to dress in clean clothes. Although the trouble of cleanliness was more due to us brothers being boys and fighting in on the ground a lot.

“I have had a pleasant life, but not without hardships, your Majesty.”

“You followed in your father’s footsteps and became the warrior master of Catnip Court, being very young. That is impressive. Joining the court, however, comes with certain responsibilities and your virtues are tested. I heard you have never faulted in your duties, although it’s common that the court members have short flings of passion. But you were never interested in anyone. Is this a correct judgement by the Grand Master?”

So, the Grand Master knows about this norm. That’s interesting.

“That is correct, up until I met the princess.”

The king grunted. “There is a difference between a crush and love. A crush fades with time when all the excitement of a new relationship has run its course. Love is stronger and will last a lifetime, no matter the hardships.” The king turned his head to look at the queen before he brought his eyes back to stare at me. “Do you love my daughter?”

More than anything!

“Yes, I do.”

“And why do you think you’re better suited for my daughter than, let’s say, Prince Nickel here?”

As if Jelena would let any man have a choice. She knew what she wanted.

“Because I love her more than he does.”

“That could change with time.”

Maybe for her, but the king would have to have a conversation with his daughter about that. I knew what I wanted.

“It could, but I doubt it will. Because fate has marked my soul as hers all along.” She had told me so, and she knew it by the look of the soft smile of her mouth. “She is the only one who makes me yield.” 

Her smile went wider.

“Interesting,” the king muttered. “And bold.” He looked at me in silence for a while. “Are you aware that your father once ordered to have Queen Megan executed?”

That’s a worse topic!

It worried me the way Jelena swayed next to the throne. Was she feeling well enough for this?

“I’m aware, and I believe it was an order my father also didn’t agree with. There was never a logical reason to come to such a conclusion as, from what I have seen, Queen Megan is a worthy queen and a compassionate mother and wife. You graced my father the mercy of placing his sword like a cross of honour over his chest when he died, so I can’t but think you agree that his intentions were never to harm our beloved queen.”

King Marcus nodded. “The man who marries my daughter will ultimately become king the day I die. A king must be an outstanding leader to rule three races adeptly to sustain peace. Do you embrace all races, and do you believe you would be a fair and kind king?”

To everyone except the bloody demon king! I’ll kill him!

I knew King Marcus was an advocate for all races, so I couldn’t say that. I needed to be correct in my answer or the spell circle would kill me. But if I talked badly about the demons, it wouldn’t earn his trust.

“I have no problem with any race in general. Lately, we have been heavily attacked by the demons because they wanted to get to the princess. I can’t say I’m very fond of them. But if they agreed to live by the rules of the Arakzeon City and not mean harm to the princess, I have no issues with anyone. No matter what race they are. As to whether I would be a worthy king, I can only say I would try my best to satisfy as many as I could.”

“So, you aren’t just interested in the princess to get to the throne?”

I unbuttoned the side fastening on my long-vest, pulled it off my shoulders and tossed the vest on the floor before his feet. “I care nothing for medals or glory. I joined the court because I wanted to protect the people in the city. I would surrender my title and medals in a heartbeat if it meant I could be with the princess.”

“Do you think you’re an honourable man?”

“I believe I was an honourable man until I met your daughter,” I answered carefully, knowing this would draw attention to, and question me more about my devotion to my oaths.

“Why was your honour tarnished when you met my daughter?”

How could I avoid answering that by telling him I’d fucked his daughter and that it had been the bloody utopia of my life? My head would come off in an instance. 

“I’m a warrior master and shouldn’t allow myself feelings for a student.”

Magic soared up from the circle and stung my nerves with a sharp blast. I roared out in pain. The potency of the magic was almost crippling.

Jelena panicked. The terror on her face was haunting to see. “What’s happening?” she asked.

“He’s not lying, but he’s avoiding telling a truth we want to hear,” Kimich answered.

The king frowned. “For how long have you pursued my daughter?”

“When she returned from summer break, I knew I loved her.”

The sharp magic charge zapped me once more, and it made me fold over. I kept my hands on my knees as I roared from the pain, knowing I couldn’t endure it for much longer or it would fell me. It would make me look weak. I had to tell the truth. “I felt intrigued by her when I first lay eyes on her on the battlefield in the demon attack outside the admission hall on the day of enrolment,” I blurted. 

The pain eased, and I could straighten up.

“Is that all you’re holding back from telling me?”

I sighed. “No.” I couldn’t elaborate on that question, or he’d find out I had claimed her soul. After that point, I didn’t know what chances I had of keeping my head on my shoulders. 

My silence wasn’t good either, as it seemed it made the king impatient.

“What information are you holding back, Master Dylan?”

I have to tell another truth apart from that one. I’ll risk the pain.

“I lashed your daughter on the stage.” The pain soared through me, and I roared again, the spell not liking my answer.

The king looked at Kimich questioningly.

“He technically did, but the princess was controlling his hand, or he would never have lashed her,” he explained and turned to look at me. “Would you?”

I shook his head. “No.”

Jelena gasped. She truly didn’t understand that I loved her. I would never hurt her. I couldn’t.

“Perhaps ask the master whether he feels less honourable because he has broken an oath,” Kimich suggested.

The king stared at me. “Have you?”

That is the question I’m trying to avoid.

Tears spilled down Jelena’s cheeks. She knew the consequences of my answer, too. But I had to confess. If I denied it, the magic would kill me. I had no choice.

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Which one?”

“The chastity oath, your Majesty.”

“You claimed the princess’ soul?” the king shouted and rushed towards me, drawing his sword.

The steel rang out of its sheath, and Jelena screamed. “No! I love him. Stop!”

The king didn’t follow through with his stroke, but held the tip of the sword against my throat. Carefully, I stretched my throat upwards to avoid being cut. “I meant no harm to the royal family. I wasn’t aware she was the princess at the time.”

“So, you’re saying you regret it?”

“No. But I wished for it to have turned out differently. Had I known, we could have waited to receive your blessing.”

“You think you have a chance at receiving my blessing?”

“There are only two possible outcomes here. Either I receive your blessing, or I hope you will have the same mercy on me as you did my father and carry me out with your sword as a cross of honour over my dead body.”

“Kneel,” the king hissed between his teeth, the tip of his sword never leaving my throat as I knelt.

“No, father, please. I-” 

“I’ve heard enough!” The king sighed, and moved the blade to lie on top of my shoulder. “What can steel do to fight love? It seems you and I share similar fates when it comes to our wives’ secrecy of their identities. I can only wish you luck trying to get a word in with yours. It’ll be my honour to call you my son.”

I cocked my head up took at him. Had I understood him correctly? “Your Majesty?”

“Master Eric Dylan, I hereby dub thee Lord of the River District, if you accept it.”

“Thank you. You honour me, your Majesty.”

Jelena darted down the steps and pushed the king’s sword away from my throat and knelt next to me, swinging her arms around my neck. She planted warm kisses over my lips passionately. I hugged her tightly towards me. Finally, she was mine!

“I wasn’t quite finished,” the king muttered behind Jelena’s back and waved for Kimich to remove the truth spell.

“I apologise, your Majesty,” I said, looking at Jelena.

“Do you know the words of the lord’s oath?”

“Yes,” I confirmed, looking up at the king. “I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth, I will never boast, but cherish humility instead, I will speak the truth at all times, and forever keep my word, I will defend those who cannot defend themselves. I swear fealty to you and the people of the Arakzeon City.”

“By the power vested in me, I declare you a lord and you have my blessing to marry my daughter,” he rambled as if none of us were listening. “Congratulations.”

Jelena kissed me more and nestled her small fingers into my hair. She was crying and laughing at the same time as soon as she stopped kissing me.

“You look beautiful,” I whispered to her. I hoped she was happy. She and the baby were my family now. If she was still pregnant and hadn’t lost it on her reckless journey beyond the wall. I moved closer to speak into her ear. “Glowing?”

She smiled at me, and it confirmed it. She was pregnant with my child. This news made me so happy.

Suddenly, the magical siren flashed blue and sounded the alarm.

“What the heck is that noise?” the king asked.

Anger boiled inside me at these creatures who wanted to harm my family.

“It’s another demon attack,” I growled and stood up, but still holding Jelena close with a steady grip around her waist. I would never let her go again. “That fucking demon prince. I should have murdered him when I had the chance.” I cocked my head down to look at Jelena. “If he takes you again, I’ll kill him. Please excuse my leave. I must go.”

She glowered at me, and I knew what she meant. Birds are not happy caged. I had to learn this. Fast. 

“And you can come with me if you want,” I added quickly.

She unhooked herself from my arm. “Father, at the time you were cursed, Mother’s cousin, Theodor, also cursed your father. He has been in a magical coma just like you for eighteen years. The demon prince is not a demon but a fae under a glamour spell. The demon prince is your brother who has forced me to heal your father. I think they’re coming here to reclaim the city.”

The queen gasped and panted, clearly not liking the sound of that.

“Then it seems this is my fight,” the king said. “I must finish the war I started eighteen years ago.”

“You have the entire Wolfsbane Court backing you, your Majesty.”

“And us,” Birkim said, approaching with Pivirio at his side.

“And I won’t sit it out, either,” Mother said.

“What about you, little hummingbird?” I asked, stroking my thumb over her lip.

“Are you coming?”

“Oh, I’m coming. I never yield.”

Yep! That’s my woman!

Until next time,



The curse that’s turning me to stone can’t be broken alone.

I need my mate to break it—too bad I have no idea who he is.


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Lottie bought a house in the woods, not knowing that danger lurked around the corner.


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I have been revealed as something not seen since the Dark Ages. Yet even my newfound powers might not be enough to save our world.


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Magic adds a sprinkle of love, mischief and... disaster. Grab your broomstick and Drop it Like it's Haunt.


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I'm the pack’s most valued witch, trapped in servitude, craving freedom. 

He’s a mysterious, smoking-hot werewolf shifter exiled from his pack.


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Two souls cursed a thousand years apart. One savage, sinful attraction that can’t be ignored. 


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If she escapes and lives, his kingdom will be destroyed. If she stays and dies, his heart will be demolished.


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I was sent to Earth to save humanity, not fall in love with my enemy.


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She’s fighting for her life on a strange planet. To survive she’ll have to restore her trust… starting with him.


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A Necromancer hasn’t been seen in over a generation, and nobody knows why.


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I am Death. I am the keeper of the otherworld gate. I am queer. I am magically tethered to a beautiful Japanese mystery. I am . . .

I could list a million facts reagarding my identity, but none of them matter. Not anymore. Not now my magic has evolved.


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He was her greatest heartbreak. She was his greatest betrayal.


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What's the only thing worse than being stuck haunting a share house?

Being ignored by the first person to sense your presence in years...


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