Hi! It's been a long time since we've connected...

Jun 14, 2023 11:35 am



It's been a long time since you've opened one of my newsletters and I'm sending you this email to see if you want to continue to be part of my list or you'd rather be unsubscribed.

Life happens and you might be going through a tough time or don't have as much as time as before to read. Also, there are so many great authors out there with amazing stories that I'm not surprised if you have too many newsletters arriving each day.

However, if you are one of my fans and readers, I'd like to let you know what I've been up to before we reconnect or part ways.

So, what has been going on lately?

I have been releasing new books while also re-branding the majority of my old series. I've commissioned new covers and improved the blurbs.

My Midnight Wolf Curse Series that was launched last year is coming to a conclusion this July.

Wolf Temple, the fifth and last book in this series is already available to pre-order.

Wolf Curse has been priced at 99c for a long time to grow awareness to this fantasy series, but it's also free with KU.


I've been actively recruiting reviewers in hopes that I can not just get more reviews but to also help avid readers to receive my books and comment on them without going bankrupted. So if you enjoy leaving reviews and want to be part of my ARC team, you can sign up HERE.

Also, I have plenty of books wide and a review on Amazon isn't mandatory. You can review on Goodreads, Bookbub, and other retailers, as long as you review it, you're in.


On another note, if you're one of the Dragon Assassin Academy's fans, you'd be happy to know it's now a complete series. I also created a box set, so you can read it all in one go!

Check the series Amazon page HERE or go straight for the box set HERE.


In the meantime, I started my writing career with The Quest Breaker Series and though it's close to my heart and I truly wanted this series to succeed, I realized that leaving this series with KU was a wrong move. So I did a cover re-brand, tweaked the blurbs, and this series is currently wide, meaning you can get it outside Amazon.

Check the awesome banners with some of the new covers and click the universal link HERE if you want to see where you can start reading the first book.


I had other re-brands happening. My Drakella Series also has new covers and I'm planning a third book in the series. These stories also are wide now.

There have been a lot of changes in my life for the past year. I decreased my workload to have more time to dedicate to writing and family. Hubby and I also bought a cottage to spend our weekends with the kids surrounded by nature.

And as a thank you for getting so far in this longgg update, I want to offer you a free ebook. The first book from the Prophesied Sorcerer Series.


It can be read as a standalone and you just have to follow the link and download the file. No strings attached. You can even unsubscribe after you do that.

Yet I hope you can still follow me through Amazon, Bookbub, or even any of my Social Media profiles like my Facebook Page or my Instagram. Speaking of my Instagram and social media profiles, have you seen how gorgeous my new banners are? No? Then check them HERE for a faster peek. I love sharing memes and pretty graphics with my new covers. <3

Now for the free ebook download.

You can grab it once you see the cover, read the blurb, and then click the button that will take you to a downloading page. You can choose Epub or Mobi. It's up to you. :)



On a last note, June is Alzheimer's awareness month and I joined a few authors to offer you a giveaway.


You can find out more here:


I hope you join the giveaway and share it because it's for a good cause. And if you have family or friends who suffer from Dementia or Alzheimer, I hope you have the necessary support to know how to deal with it.

Also, if you want to leave them a tribute, you can go here: https://remember-for-me.com/

As always, thank you for your support.



PS: Several of my books are wide.

How to find them?

The books are available on KOBONOOKAPPLEAMAZON, and SCRIB, but I haven't been able to join Google Play for now.

If you click your favourite retailers, you'll find my author profile with the available ebooks.

