2 min daily mindset email for realtors

Aug 29, 2022 10:31 am


Welcome to today's 2 minute Daily Mindset email for realtors. Control your mind, control the outcome.

Today's thought to start the day right:

The three biggest enemies of success. 

  1. Staying in your comfort zone 
  2. Learned helplessness - believing that you can’t do it. 
  3. Following the path of least resistance - always looking for the easy way. 

(Brian Tracy)

Are you guilty of any of these? Which one is impeding your progress the most?


Mindset of the week:  


Every day this week think about what you can do to be better than the day before.

Better in communication, negotiation, presentation, prospecting . . . whatever it is. Just pick a specific way to do better than the day before and do it.

Have a great Monday!


- Your Fellow Realtor


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