2 minute mindset email for realtors

Aug 23, 2022 10:41 am


Welcome to today's 2 minute Daily Mindset email for realtors. Control your mind, control the outcome.

5 thoughts to start the day right:

  1. When I lost all of my excuses . . . I found my results.
  2. Finish today with absolutely no regrets. 
  3. Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action. Don't be "busy" . . . be productive.
  4. You can make money, or you can make excuses . . . it's your choice.
  5. "If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done." - Thomas Jefferson


Mindset of the week:  

"I GET TO . . ."

There is a lot of power behind telling yourself "I get to make sales calls" rather than going into them saying "I have to make sales calls".


"I have to work with this difficult client, it's going to suck."


"I get to work with this difficult client and figure out how to make it a good experience."

Seeing activities (and life in general) through the lense of "getting to" rather than "having to" will give you more energy and enthusiasm. Two of most the most common traits among incredibly successful people are energy and enthusiasm.  

I've got my own calls that I get to make, have a great day.


- Your Fellow Realtor


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