GCSE PE Webinar - AEI

Feb 17, 2022 3:28 pm



Many thanks for registering your interest in the GCSE PE Advance Exam Information Webinar. The free webinar will include a range of information and resources to help you and your pupils with exam preparation. It will be taking place on Weds 2nd March at 7.30pm.

This is a quick email to let you know about the sign-up process. A very large number of teachers have registered their interest in attending the short webinar. As you are in this category, you will receive an email on Weds 23rd March giving you the opportunity to sign-up. A few days later, if we still have places available we will open these up to our wider audience.


Lots of hard work is going into the preparation for the webinar and I really hope that it will be useful as the focus turns to exams for the first time in three years!

Have a great half-term break and look out for that email next Wednesday!

If you have any questions at all just hit reply and I will be happy to help.

Best wishes,


