All Exam Resources

Dec 18, 2023 9:19 am


Hi ,

One week to go for many of you and I hope it is full of seasonal assemblies and end of term parties!

I have definitely hit my quota of mince pies for the year following a festive weekend, but I will persevere this week in the name of Christmas spirit.

The focus of our Monday emails this term has been exam resources and today I would like to share the full set with you, in case you have missed any over the last couple of months. Resources include:

  • Fill in the Blanks Exam Questions
  • Answer Analysis - Which is better?
  • Peer Assessment Activity
  • Self-Assessment Activity
  • Create the Question Resource
  • Traffic Lights Evaluation Checklist

Courses covered are GCSE PE, A Level PE, Cambridge Nationals, BTEC Tech Award and NCFE Health and Fitness

Click below for all resources (enough to fill a stocking or two!)

All Exam Resources


Revision Resources

The PE Classroom Revision Resources are now available to order and have proved as popular as ever over the past couple of weeks. Let me give you the key info:

  • Available for GCSE PE, A Level PE, Cambridge Nationals, BTEC Tech Award
  • Revision Booklets with topic overviews, activities and exam questions for all exam topics
  • One free booklet for each course - available to download now
  • Discounted price will be available until Jan

Click below to take a look.

Revision Resources


Have a fantastic week!

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

Phone - 01789 569013

WhatsApp - 07923881549
