Full Access

Jan 31, 2023 8:01 am


Hi ,



We currently provide resources, materials and support for each of the above courses. If you are receiving this email then you are part of our community and we hope that you enjoy the free resources that we share via email every week.


The PE Classroom also has a membership available (which 100s of you already sign-up to!). We always strive to do more for our member schools and membership now includes all the following benefits:


– Full access to a specific Resource Package for all teachers

– Access to a bank of all of our Starter Resources (over 100 and added to each week!)

– Additional weekly resources for members only which will be shared via email and a closed Facebook Group

– 50% off Revision booklets and materials

– 20% off Learning Guides


You can check out our Resource Packages for all courses (GCSE, A Level, BTEC, CNATs) and also more details regarding membership, by clicking below.


Resource Packages


As I mentioned above, members will also now receive additional resources every week within a closed members Facebook Group. The GCSE PE teachers group will open this week, with groups for A Level PE, BTEC and CNATs opening within the next couple of months. Teachers who are already members will receive an email regarding this shortly.


We also have some very exciting plans for supporting teachers and pupils from March onwards (free of charge for ALL teachers and pupils). We are not quite ready to reveal these plans just yet but keep an eye on your emails as you will not want to miss this one!


As always, if you have any questions or comments just hit reply and let me know.

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

