Extended Questions

Oct 30, 2023 8:17 am


Hi ,

If you are starting the new half-term this week, welcome back! If you are just beginning your half-term break then I hope you have a relaxing week.

Exam Questions/Resources

Last half-term our Monday emails focussed on sharing course specific documents such as road maps, data trackers and breakdown sheets. This half-term our focus is shifting towards resources which help pupils to improve their ability to answer exam questions. The reason for this is we know that lots of schools will be working towards mock exams that take place this term or early 2024.

The first resource to kick off this half-term is a fill-in-the-gaps answer for an extended question. This resource gives pupils the correct structure required to apply their knowledge effectively.

There is a specific resource available for GCSE PE, A Level PE, BTEC, CNATs and NCFE. Click below to take a look - enjoy!

Extended Question Resource


Learning Guides

Our Learning Guides are a physical product which we distribute to schools. They include all of our 'Cheat Sheets' and contain pivotal information on how to breakdown and answer exam questions. The Learning Guides are available at a discounted price until the end of play today. Click below to take a look and to find out more.


Cambridge Nationals

BTEC Tech Award in Sport

Have a brilliant week!

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

Phone - 01789 569013

WhatsApp - 07923881549

