PG Tips - 3 of the best

Mar 21, 2023 12:57 pm


Hi ,

'PG Tips' continues this week as we look to support you and your pupils as you use Pupil Gateway.

PG Tips - Edition 2

We have had 300 new schools start using Pupil Gateway in the last three weeks. As we have helped teachers get logged-in and to set up their pupils, we have had a few common questions/queries. I thought it would be useful to share each query and the solution!

1.My pupils have completed the exam questions/quizzes for the first topic but I can't see their results.

The first few topics of every course are accessible for anybody visiting the site. You do not need to be logged-in. This means that your pupils may answer questions or complete quizzes whilst logged-out. Obviously, if this is the case their results will not be recorded! Please remind your pupils to ensure they login before completing any work. If you want to find out more about how to track your pupils' results, just hit the button below.

Tracking Pupil Answers

Tracking Quiz Results

2. I can only see my pupils' email address in my dashboard, but not their names.

If your pupils registered for the site just using their email address, but did not add their name, obviously you will not see their name in your Teacher Dashboard. This makes it difficult manage your class and track results etc. Fortunately, it is very simple for you to add/edit names. The button below will take you to a video which shows you how to edit passwords and also add names.

Changing Passwords/Editing Names

3. Time spent on the site

This is a really quick one but I have had a few people get in touch to ask about the 'time spent' feature which shows for every pupil in your Teacher Dashboard. Please note this is for the last 30 days and shows time spent in hours and minutes.

I hope that you and your pupils are continuing to enjoy using The PE Classroom. If I can offer any further support or if you have any questions, please let me know.

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

