What is Fitness Starter

Nov 16, 2022 7:46 am


Hi ,

I hope you are having a great week so far - the weekend is nearly here! Today's Starter Resource is on the question 'What is Fitness?'.

What is Fitness? Starter

This Starter Resource looks at fitness and gets pupils to think about examples of athletes and how their fitness levels compare.

What is Fitness? Starter


Learning Guides

It's great to see how many teachers are ordering our Learning Guides for GCSE PE, we are really happy with how they turned out and think they will be extremely beneficial for students, especially now mocks are getting closer!

Click below to find out more about our Learning Guides and how you can order them for your pupils.

Learning Guides


Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help with anything else.

Have a brilliant rest of your week!

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

