1 Hour Countdown

Feb 28, 2023 6:16 pm


Hi ,

1 hour to go! I just wanted to send you one final reminder for the webinar this evening. As I have mentioned, due to high demand, only those in attendance will get free access to Pupil Gateway for the rest of the academic year. All the instructions you need are below:

  1. Kettle on
  2. Laptop out
  3. Click the link
  4. Sit back and take in the information

I look forward to presenting to you at 7.30pm!

Date & Time: Tuesday 28th February - 7.30pm

Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:meeting_MzEwN2YzY2YtYmJjYy00MTkzLWIzYWYtMTNjNDc4MDhhZWYx@thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%22452335c3-401a-462e-bb88-ccd6eef369b1%22,%22Oid%22:%226b0ddc3c-af08-4449-bff2-4beb8a879d7d%22%7D

(If you have any issues clicking this link, simply copy and paste it into a new tab).

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

