Easter Revision/Homework

Mar 28, 2023 2:28 pm


Hi ,

This will be my final support email before the Easter break. I hope you are continuing to enjoy using Pupil Gateway with your pupils. This week's guidance focuses on three ideas for using the platform for Easter revision/homework.

PG Tips - Edition 3 - Ideas for Easter Revision/Homework

1.Go Quiz Crazy

Who doesn't love a quiz? For pupils who struggle to get started with revision, quizzing is an easy way to entice them in. It takes a matter of minutes to complete each 10 mark quiz on the site and a pupil then has instant feedback on their performance within each unit (and you also have this feedback in your teacher dashboard).

Asking pupils to complete 10 quizzes during the break could be a great starting point for revision. More conscientious pupils could easily complete all of the quizzes during the two week holiday and they should also be completing as many exam questions as possible.

2. Set a minimum time period for revision

One of the useful features within your teacher dashboard is that you can see exactly how long each of your pupils has spent on the site within the last 30 days. This enables you to simply give your pupils free rein over the topics that they want to revise, safe in the knowledge that you will be checking their use of the platform. Giving an expected time for revision (e.g. 4 hours across the Easter break) is also an option.

3. Spider Diagrams/Revision Maps

As you will be aware, there are a number of videos for each topic within Pupil Gateway. The videos break down each unit and cover everything that is required to understand a topic. After watching each video pupils should be in a position to create a detailed spider diagram giving an overview of the topic. Teachers could request that this task is completed for specific topics, or leave this up to pupils to decide.

I hope that these ideas might proves useful for getting your pupils using the platform to its full potential over the next couple of weeks. You can continue to explore the site by clicking the button below.

The PE Classroom - Pupil Gateway

As always, let me know if I can help with anything at all or if you have any questions. Enjoy a well earned break when it arrives!

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team


