Webinar Tonight - Link & Resources

Jun 14, 2022 11:01 am


Hi ,

Many thanks again for signing up to the Cambridge Nationals webinar tonight (Tues 14th June) at 7.30pm. The webinar will cover the key changes to the new specification for both Sport Science and Sport Studies.

I can assure you that attending the webinar will, at the very least, save you a great deal of time in planning for September

In addition to the information, the resources and materials shared will include:

  • Curriculum Map - Advice on the order to teach each unit
  • Data/Tracking Sheet - Track marks and predict grades
  • Learning Maps - Engaging content for pupils
  • Further Resources - SAM, booklets and slideshows

***Only those attending the webinar will receive these materials - they will not be emailed out afterwards***

If you would like to sign up any other members of staff at your school, please click the button below.

CNATs Free Webinar

The link for the webinar can be found below:

Date & Time: Tuesday 14th June - 7.30pm

Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWRkNzA3NmItYWY1Ny00M2RmLWE3ZTUtNGI3ZTczYzNjYTEw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22452335c3-401a-462e-bb88-ccd6eef369b1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226b0ddc3c-af08-4449-bff2-4beb8a879d7d%22%7d

If you have any questions before the webinar please let me know. I look forward to presenting to you this evening!

Best wishes,

Tom & The PE Classroom Team

